
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

gilded hedgerows, moving, tiny treasures, and greys

It's a misty morning, and the colors of turning leaves is striking against the pale sky. Hard to believe October is right before us; time is soaring by and I'm struggling to keep up with it. I've begun packing, and this place has taken on the look of a storage space instead of a home. It's uncomfortable for me, a person who takes the greatest comfort from that cozy 'home' feeling. But I know it's only a drop in the bucket and soon enough we'll be setting up our new home. That thought drives me and fills me with enthusiasm...I am so excited about our new place! Ramon and I keep talking about how lovely it will be, settling in for winter hibernation in a our fresh, clean, new apartment. He works incredibly hard all year, and Christmas is the time when he takes off of work and stays home for a couple of weeks. So we fantasize about that time all year, and speak about it often. Movies we'll watch, meals we'll enjoy, hours we'll spend lazing around in our warm bed doing nothing at all. The thought of the Christmas tree twinkling and the gingerbread baking in the new apartment is HEAVEN.

So, imagining those things is what keeps me going during this awkward time when belongings are in boxes and there is constantly something I 'should' be doing. 

Luckily, my mornings are spent romping through the fields and woods with Kiki and Boston. And today, I filled my pocket with tiny September treasures to share with you!

September is so colorful!

1. rosehips
2. spindle
3. dewberry
4. oak
5. maple
6. four leaf clover
7. wild cherry
8. i don't know the name of this plant, but I call it wild grape; the second photo above shows the entire plant; it's a vine which takes over many trees and hedges
9. blackberry

Thank you all so much for your response to 'going grey-your thoughts?' It was so interesting to hear your personal experience with this subject. I spoke with Ramon about my grey hair last night and he said that, while it doesn't bother him, he does feel it is too early for me to go all-natural. I decided for myself that I will go on coloring my roots, but to be relaxed about it. I personally am looking forward to the time when I can comfortably let my silvers grow and show. 

When I told a friend yesterday that I am happy about every little line that appears on my face, she said her husband had never really felt like himself when he was young, but ever more so now that he is older. And that was a big AHA! moment for me. I am really looking forward to being 40, 50, 60...those ages where you know who you are and are comfortable in your skin; your family is established, your roots are dug deep. Your hands are proof of the work and creativity they have formed, and your hair has streaks of silver. And you walk down the road with your husband hand in hand, and still make each other laugh, even after all those years. That's what I'm really looking forward to. 

xoxo country girl

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Going Grey...Your Thoughts?

"Hair brings one's self-image into focus; it is vanity's proving ground.  Hair is terribly personal, a tangle of mysterious prejudices."  
-Shana Alexander

I had my first grey hair with 16. Since then, I always dyed my hair or at least the roots to cover up the grey. It's my Hungarian heritage...all the women on my mother's side went prematurely grey. 

Ever since we brought our new puppy Boston home, I haven't been to the salon, and by now I have a good inch of grey hair at the base, mostly on the sides of my forehead.

I kept pestering myself about getting to the salon. Hiding the grey has alway felt like something I 'HAVE' to do. You can't be this young and walk around the grey hair! That's what I told myself. I grew up watching my mom cover up her roots and color her hair religiously, and she always let me know when there was the slightest bit of grey peeking out on my head. Sometimes I would see pictures of gorgeous women with grey and silver hair, and I would show it to my mom, suggesting she let her natural color grow out, but she insisted it would just make her look old. She said she was still too young to walk around with a head of grey hair.

I'm turning 30 this upcoming February, and yesterday I began contemplating my greys. I thought about this need to cover them up, and the idea that a woman can't be sexy or beautiful if she has grey hair. I thought about all the actresses and models out there who are over 30 and most certainly have at least some grey hair, but you would never see those silvers peeking out even for an instant. And I wondered if I was ready to go natural.

For some reason, it's a really scary thought. Maybe because I have been shown and told all my life that grey hair on a woman is something undesired. 

But the thought of constantly feeling the need and pressure to cover up something that is natural to me, that is a part of me, is a scary thought, too. 

So...what's your relationship to your greys? 

I can't wait to hear from you.

xoxo country girl

Monday, September 27, 2010

Into the Autumn Woods

This morning there was a blue sky with the most perfect, puffy clouds, and the grass was littered with what I call 'fall confetti.'

It had rained all weekend, so the clear sky and sunshine was like a rebirth for the countryside. Everything was fresh and glistening. The thought of stepping into the cool, dripping shelter of the forest was paradise, so I stuffed my jeans into rain boots, threw on a thick sweater, and headed out with my camera and four legged companions. 

Have you ever caught yourself smiling for no apparant reason? I smiled the entire length of this walk. From the beginning in damp meadows, through the muddy leaf-strewn and mushroom-studded paths of the woods, to the return to open fields and civilization. 

There's something joyful about seeing dogs getting really dirty. Muddy paws and underbelly, catkins and burrs in their fur. Even though I know I'll have to clean them when we return home, I also know how much they must love the freedom to get filthy, to smell of soil, to roll in the dampness of the forest floor, to pounce through puddles and wade through ankle-deep fallen leaves. I was glad I had on my rubber boots, because the ground was really swampy. It's so much fun not having to worry about your shoes getting muddy. There are no 'restricted areas' when you have wellies on!

Rain water, leaves, acorns, rotting tree stumps offering the sustenance for new life...spending time with these organic gifts of God is a privilage, and I feel blessed to be surrounded by them every day. I was so full of this feeling of gratitude that I had to stop and thank God for this moment, and this morning. Out in the woods with my dogs, with all this gold and brown and green. 

I pray that I might always have the great good fortune of living in nature. It's something so essential to my well-being. 

As we stepped out into the light of the open fields again, I wrapped the quiet cobweb dew of the forest around me and hoped to keep it on me, in my hair, on my finger tips, all day.

I think if you can keep that feeling of the woods somewhere in you, in some corner of your being, you can be grounded in it even surrounded by the bustle of the city.

xoxo country girl

Friday, September 24, 2010

Better Together

These sweethearts make my heart sing! Look at them, enjoying their treats. They started out apart, but at some point, Boston took his treat over to Kiki and plopped down beside her. They chewed peacefully like this for a long time. 

Can you believe how quickly Boston is growing? And how expressive his face is? Kiki used to be an excited pup, she usually acts too cool for school. But they have their moments when they play wildly, or chase eachother frantically accross the fields. Such a joy to watch! I do believe she has grown quite fond of our little tike.

xoxo country girl

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Harvest!

It's here sweet friends! The best time of the year...the glowing months of Autumn. My heart is so full! I am so happy to be blessed with another season of golden leaves, pumpkin moonshine, cold starry nights and misty magical mornings. 


The narrow roads of this little village are sprinkled with the first fallen leaves, and children walk in chatty groups to school on mornings when your breath puffs in white clouds from your mouth. Crows caw their grumpy complaints and squirrels scamper about on important business.

Among the dew-soaked grass, I found this fiery red leaf, and I wished it were a brooch, so I could pin it to my orange raincoat. Nature has the most spectacular colors of all.

I just have to share this tiny butcher's block with you. Can you believe how sweet it is? It's a vintage find from etsy. I put little clusters of crabapples on it and had to squeal with delight!
This mini butcher's block will be fun to decorate with for many years to come, and in all seasons. Just imagine a pint-sized cake or pie on top of it!
This is another etsy find that I am in love with; Vintage By Crystal is such a fun shop, with handmade folkart figurines. I had this one custom-made for a Kiki La Ru photoshoot...but I was most excited about being able to keep it for a Halloween decoration afterwards!

It's a cheerful thought that there are people out there who sit and craft adorable, precious things like this, isn't it? It gives me hope, somehow.

I've been busy with my shop, too, and am very excited about the latest addition to the Kiki La Ru selection: DIY cake bunting kits!

 Perfect indoor project for fall, for all the crafty people out there who would like to make their own cake bunting. I am very curious to see how they will be received.

This autumn is shaping up to be busy and adventurous...only three weeks until our big move! 

The doggies are doing fabulously well, playing, dozing in the sunny spots of the home, barking at cars and dogs and air from the bedroom window. I love them so much.

You know, when fall rolls around, it always catches me by's almost as if it were too precious to return every year. I am always somewhat stunned, and my heart starts beating fast, and I am filled with determination; I always promise myself I will do my best to soak up every bit of autumn goodness. 

Let's soak up Autumn goodness together!
A big, mittened, toasty hug,

xoxo country girl

Monday, September 20, 2010

Last Fall

Last fall was an exciting time. We took a trip to Cape Cod, my mother came to visit us here in the Austrian countryside, and on October 26th, I got the positive pregnancy test I had been hoping and praying for for so long. Every day I had this grin on my face. Every night my husband and I talked about our baby. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of fulfillment; everything was falling into place. I felt so incredibly blessed. I felt my baby growing inside of me, felt the changes it was already making in my life....the only thing that tasted good was dry toast and tea, I had to take a two hour nap every afternoon, and my lower abdomen seemed to pop out one morning. 
Ramon and I marvelled at how we already felt like a father and mother. When I was in public, at the farmers market, on the bus, I thought, "No one here knows my wonderful secret!" And I would find myself smiling, thinking about the tiny heartbeat under the spot where my hand was resting on my belly. 

There are so many good things this fall, too. Our new puppy Boston, who doesn't feel new anymore, but as if he always belonged, and watching Kiki embrace him as her playmate; the big move to a brand new home; enthusiastic customers supporting my little etsy shop; the strong love and friendship I share with my husband. And autumn itself, of this morning, with it's frosty grass, blue skies, and mushroom scent. 

But there is also this hole. This hole that brings tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat, and makes me feel small and sad. On the day we lost our baby, I couldn't have known how long the pain of that day would stay with me. It's overwhelming how, in the middle of a very fine day, it will suddenly grip me, and I will feel that grief and loss so strongly. 

Here we are, nearly a year later...and I still think about how old our baby would be now (4 months), and wonder when or if we will be blessed with a baby in the future, and why it hasn't happened yet. 

Fortunately there are many distractions right now, so many things keeping me occupied. 

But there are those moments, like now, when I wish with every fiber of my being that I was holding my little one, nursing him, rocking him, watching him sleep peacefully in my arms.

xoxo country girl

Friday, September 17, 2010

These September Days...


It's been wonderfully busy here. This is the first morning that I have had time to say hello all week. So very many cake buntings to make for so many great customers! 

Boston is growing quickly, his legs stretching, his tail reaching, and his little face gaining in character. Kiki is a loving, playful big sister. They are both dozing now while I type; it's misty and dripping with rain outside. The mums and pumpkins on the balcony are wet and glistening. The espresso machine is hissing cozily every once in a while, and the clocks tick like a heart beat. I have my cuddly robe and thick socks on. Such a peaceful begin to the day. How nice to share it with all of you!

You may have noticed, I've made a few changes to this place. My friend Maria showed me how to widen the width of my blog, which I have wanted to do for so long now, so that I can post larger pictures. (Thanks, Maria!! xo) I hope you all still feel at home here!

It's an important day...I'm going to Ikea to order our kitchen for the new apartment. These kinds of important things always make me really nervous. Have you ever been faced with grown-up stuff and thought, "Heeeyyy, since when do I have to handle these kinds of things? I just want to play and have a juice box!" And then it hits're turning 30 and your animal cracker days are behind you.

Going alone to gargantuous Ikea with my little folder and measurements feels kinda like the first day of school. 

Can you believe I still haven't packed a single box? I keep waiting for elves to do the job, but apparantly, once you're a grown up, that changes, too.  

xoxo country girl 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Love is pie...

...and pie is love."
-my friend kelli hill

xoxo country girl

Friday, September 10, 2010

Treasury Share

When I have a free 1/2 hour, I like to sit down with a cup of something warm and create what's called a 'Treasury' on etsy. Treasuries are collections of beautiful items from different etsy shops, and it's become somewhat of an addiction of mine. I love finding things that seem to fit perfectly together optically, and blending colors to form a gorgeous compilation.

I thought I would share a few of them with you once in a while. 

Click on the image to see a larger version, and click on the title to go to the Treasury on etsy where you can order an item you like, or discover the shops where they are from.

September Simple :

Farmhouse :

Saffron & Rust :

Instant Vintage Collection :

Kiki Hearts These :

So many wonderful, talented etsians!

I hope you enjoyed these. Which Treasury is your favorite? Which items are calling your name? (They really like to do that, don't they?!)

Oh, and TGIF! The sun is shining here....the dogs are being mischievous...birds are at the feeder. I'm about to hop into the shower and get this glorious (albeit busy) day started.

xoxo country girl

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Snapshots of New (empty) Apartment

Hey sweethearts!

Today, a rainy Wednesday, I went to our new apartment to measure out the kitchen. I took my camera and wide-angle lense with me so you all could have a look. I don't know if these empty rooms will interest anyone, but I know this kind of thing interests me (I always like imagining how it will look furnished), so there's a chance a few of you Kindrd Spirits will be intrigued, too. :) 

Just to get you into the setting of our soon-to-home (we get the key October 13th), this is the view we have on the left side of our garden:

The trees already have a few golden leaves! Can't wait to see what it looks like mid-October!

Here is the hallway...and some dude....just kidding...that guy is head of construction, Mr. Fischer. He really wanted to get on my blog.

As you can see, I chose a very light (almost white) floor which keeps the rooms bright and friendly.
On the left you see the three bedroom doors, at the end of the hall is the bathroom door, and the hallway to the right where Mr.. Fischer is coming from has the doors to the WC (toilet) and pantry, and leads to the kitchen/dining room/living room and front yard.

Here is a (blurry, sorry) shot of bedroom 1, which has a door to the back yard:

Here is a piece of the backyard:

Below it, between our yard and those trees, runs a river. We get evening sun on this spot, and are planning on placing a bench out here.

This is bedroom 2:

And this is bedroom 3:

We think bedroom 1 will be the 'media room' with the big flatscreen, couch, and hundreds of dvds my husband lovingly collects, bedroom 2 will be the master bedroom, and bedroom 3 will be the Kiki La Ru/Sugar Bridge crafts room, and eventually (hope hope hopefully) baby room.

Here's a look at the bathroom; how do you like the slate flooring I chose? I love it!

I bought a fabulous shower curtain from Anthropology for the bathtub:

Here's the all-important WC, with the same floor as the bathroom:

I forgot to close the little door to the water meter, sorry!

Here is the pantry I am so happy about:

And, ta-ta-ta-TAAAA, here is the kitchen and living/dining room:

This is (half of) our front yard, which I know looks a bit sad, wet, and empty right now, but that will change!
As you can see there is a little playground on the left side, and a metal trellis where I will plant climbing plants. And we are planning on covering the terrace stones with wood. That grass on the left goes all along the side of our apartment, which is nice for the dogs.

And this, my you know what this is?

This is a monstrous stack of moving boxes! I can hardly believe we are moving, and am so very excited to start fresh. I've never lived in a brand-new home before, and look forward to decorating it very simply and sparingly. I don't want too much stuff filling it up. So I will be taking advantage of the cellar space provided (not pictured), and giving alot of stuff away. Throwing alot of stuff away, too.

Hope at least one of you enjoyed this little tour! 

There is so much going on right now, and I hope you know that, even though I can't post often, I do think of you all, and check to read your kind notes often.

xoxo country girl