
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rainy Day Baking

"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I don't care what anyone else says about it, I love rain! It's like an invitation to take things slow, draw inward, do quiet things, contemplate, and bake.
I made a delicious, moist, spicy applesauce cake, topped with cream cheese frosting, and it's perfect for this weather. Just finished a slice with a cup of warm, milky Caro. The whole village is seeped in mist, its curling around roof tops and tree tops, and the rain falls consistantly, sometimes gently, sometimes pounding down on the windows, making a pleasant rhythm. The only other sounds are the pitter-patter of doggy paws, the tip-tapping of my fingers on the keyboard, and the occasional whistling of the tea kettle when I'm making a fresh cup of comfort.
At some point today I am going to have to get out in the rain and walk to and from the supermarket. Those are the moments when I could do with a pause in rain fall, though it does get you feeling connected to the elements. And, as my mother in law says every time its raining and someone doesn't want to get wet, "We're not made of sugar!"


  1. Sugar baby:) sweet...can't wait to share life closely.

  2. Me too, you would have loved this one, tasted a bit like lebkuchen.
