
Sunday, July 19, 2009

wild plums

After the admitted disappointment of the blueberry 'harvest,' my husband and I stumbled upon a wonderful find this bright Sunday morning. Wild plums, and lots of them! A relatively small tree tucked into the corner of the Christmas tree farm, heavy with what appeared at first to be jumbo cherries. A closer look and it was clear; these were delicious plums, with a tart peel and velvety sweet golden meat inside. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me, but I stuffed my pockets full and couldn't wait to share the photos with you all. Aren't they beautiful? Much smaller than a store-bought plum, and with a cloudy dust to them when still on the bough; this residue rubbed off in my pockets, and now they are glistening. If only I could hand you one through the screen...

On an entirely different note, we are in somewhat of a dilemma. We are planning on taking a ten-day vacation this September, and are now torn between two very different destinations. One is a spa here in Austria where we spent a lovely Honeymoon. The other is Cape Cod. 
I have no idea how we are going to decide this, and I am worried about making the 'wrong' decision; meaning, I am afraid we'll end up at one location wishing we had chosen the other option instead. Both are trips would be pricey, so it isn't about the money, however both have pros and cons. To get to Cape Cod, we'll have to do quite a bit of travelling to get there and back. But it's a place I have been wanting to visit for as long as I can remember. At the spa, we know what we're getting, and it's very relaxing, but on the other hand, it's nothing new or exciting. Another point we are taking into consideration is that we are hoping to conceive this year. Travelling to Cape Cod from Austria with a baby is unrealistic, but we can go to the spa anytime with an infant. So you can see that I am wondering if I should grab this (possibly) last chance to see New England before being tied down to Europe for the next few years.
How do you go about making this kind of deicision? Maybe you can help me. I would really appreciate any advice you may have!


  1. Cape Cod - I grew up round that way and it is so so lovely. So worth it - and it is good to try something new. See this blog here talk to this lady - she lives there and might be able to help with ideas on things to do and why you should go!

  2. Reading between the lines I would say you definitely want to go to Cape Cod!

  3. It sounds like you need to go to CAPE COD! Like you said, you can go to the spa anytime once you have the babe. My husband and I went to Maine last October, and it was as relaxing as any spa experience! So many beautiful colors, fresh breezes, beautiful hikes, and great hole-in-the-wall places to eat....

  4. Dawn, Cape Cod is calling! You can visit the spa for a long weekend to celebrate your anniversary or even to celebrate the conception! You know in your heart that Cape Cod is the choice as you have always wanted to visit and it will be more difficult to do so with a little one in tow...Good luck with your decision sweetie xxx
