
Thursday, August 13, 2009

kiki wants a rose, too!

My husband left on a business trip this morning and won't be back until Sunday. I thought I would take a photo of myself, thinking of him, and email it to him. I picked a rose from the bush on the balcony and stuck it behind my ear. Then I felt a little wet nose on my hand...

...Oh! It's Kiki! She wants to see what that pretty thing is in my hair...

...isn't she cute! Oh, Honey! Ok, you can have a sniff...

...No, no, it's not for eating! It's for smelling and looking at! But doggys don't know that. So now the rose is in a small crystal vase, out of Kiki's reach. If only I could put it behind her ear; that would be a pretty picture!


  1. Kiki is so cute! She looks SO cuddly. Khan (my Boykin Spaniel) would definitely have a HUGE crush on her...

  2. Ooh, wish we could get them together! Kiki's a BIG flirt!

  3. she (kiki) is so sweet. lovely pics, I hate it when hubby has to leave on business :(

  4. I am soooo glad I'm's so sad to see you alone, although Kiki is definitely filling in...but I feel so grateful to be able to be there when he's gone...yomom

  5. Me too, mom. It will be wonderful when you are here. Best pals. Look out, world!
