
Saturday, August 1, 2009

pRepARIng fOr A kiDdy paRTy!

My little nephew Angelo is celebrating his 2nd birthday tomorrow, so I hurried to the toy store and bought him things I knew any kid would like: paints for smearing on your body and bath tiles while taking a bubble bath, and a little boat with a propeller to zoom through the bubbles. We're also giving a gift certificate for the H&M children's section, and we chipped in for a surprise gift from the whole family: a big plastic playhouse to go in the yard. 
I'm also making my famous cheesecake and lemon sauce, a staple for celebrations in this family. I always ask if I should make something else; a chocolate cake, a sponge cake, a lemon meringue pie. NO, they say. WE WANT THE CHEESECAKE! Followed by, AND DON'T FORGET THE LEMON SAUCE!
As you can see, I am also widening my horizons as far as images go. I love the way other bloggers puzzle together their photos so I asked my husband, a photoshop genius, to teach me the tricks of the trade. Do you like the result? I can't take full credit for it this time, but I hope to get the hang of it and present my pictures this way more often.
What are you all up to this weekend?


  1. LOVE the silver are you going to surprise him though? when it's wrapped and he shakes...he'll know:) sweet.

    Love the kid's gift collage...kudos to hubby for taking the time to teach.

    Blessings for a fun and 'fruitful' vacation!!!

  2. Dawn (and Ramon!)the montage of photos is lovely, very good job! I learnt how to use photoshop to a very high standard at University, but I cannot remember a thing now! I also have to get Nathan to assit me as he is a computer genius too :)

    The gifts sound lovely and the wrap is very sweet. I hope Angelo likes it and I wish him a very happy birthday xxx

  3. Happy Birthday to Angelo! I don't know what other people are getting him but I bet your gift will be his favourite. My son would definitely appreciate it! I like your display of photos and I want to learn how to do it; it's fun. Hope hubby will find some time to show me.

  4. The photo montage is so impressive! Congratulations! Best Wishes for a particularly lovely birthday celebration too!
