
Monday, September 7, 2009

Finding Cheer on Blue Monday

I won't get into the details of why, but let's just say I woke up feeling quite under the weather. One of those days where all you want to do is pull a blanket over your head and tell everyone to leave you alone until you are feeling better. But, there she is, my little dog, always so patient and cheerful. She needs two walks a day, which means I have two walks a day, and wouldn't you know it, these walks and her enthusiasm for them manage to brighten my spirit nearly every time. Here are some pictures of our morning walk. I'm not feeling 100% yet, but it's getting there. 

...getting ready to burst open their orange yellow interior...

...meadow saffron are one of the beautiful signatures of autumn's approach...

...our village under blue sky and cotton clouds...

...and me, doing my best to smile at my life and be grateful for my many blessings.

Wishing you all optimism, faith, and gratitude!

xoxo, Country Girl


  1. Hope you feel better soon. I love your pictures.

  2. Hey Dawn! I just read your article on and since we live in the same country, I wanted to say hello and wish you all the best for your 'project' :-).
    Greetings from the south, where autumn finally came over the weekend.

  3. oh dear, I hope you do feel better soon, I've been a bit under the weather myself today so I can sympathise. At least you have your cute little dog...they always make you feel a little better when you're low. xxx

  4. Smile , Dawn , smile !
    Damn , hormones !!! We're stronger than hormones !!!! That's the magic of being a woman :)
    Smile , smile and smile ! S M I L E
    Have a wonderful day ! xxxoooxxxooo

  5. Oh, know that you are not alone. Personally, I am just coming out of about a 3 year slump... Just Coming Out ! Whew...

    Buddy sure helped when I had some pretty down days.

    But they passed. And it makes these days seem all the better.

    Feel Better Soon. You're not alone.

    All The Best,
    Kary and Buddy
