
Monday, November 30, 2009

Etsy Stocking Stuffers!

left to right (click on picture to see details)
row 1 
1. tree ornament, traceybdesigns 2. hair clips, retro80s 3. body butter, HeavenScentBoutique 4.vintage cookie cutters with ruffled edge, emmylucy
row 2
1. flower pin, EnchantedlyYours 2. peace dove tile, lesperancetile 3. vintage buttons, emmylucy 4. cute monster change purse, Trigo
row 3
1. necklace with scrabble tile, KeysAndMemories 2. crocheted rose for doggy collar, BeanTownHandmade 3. vintage clip-on earrings, emmylucy 4. personalized doggy tag, makeyourdogsmile

These are just a few of the wonderful handmade and vintage items you can find on etsy for $10 and under. 

It's a mild, gray day here in the small village of Gablitz; I have loads of chores to do at home, but am somehow looking forward to it. Will tie on an apron (lovely vintage aprons from etsy coming up soon!), and get cracking. It's funny how Monday housework appeals to me. I put on music and work towards getting this home sweet home all shiny and fresh. The yellow roses I bought at the farmer's market on friday have now fully opened their sunny faces, and there are rosy pomegranates sitting plump and ruby red in a bowl. Small things that make me smile and feel cozy. 

Yes, the weekend went by terribly fast...but as my husband said last night, that just means Christmas is getting closer!



  1. Just catching up from over the weekend - not much of a weekend blogger...lots of stuff going on! I'd like to get myself an advent calendar but I know I probably won't find time, which is a shame because I'd like to...but if I did it would be a cheap jobbie from the supermarket which is not what it should be about so I'd rather refrain and then buy a lovely wreath type like yours or a handmade one with pockets...need other people to share it with though and right now I don't... :(

    I love Etsy - though I have never yet ordered anything from it - I've been meaning to for AGES and I always recommend it to others. I love browsing through the pages... There is also folksy if you are not already familiar with it? Have a look. I think Etsy is okay with deliveries because it is a US site and the UK population use it a lot...fingers crossed for you in Austria. Ah!!! Christmas is acoming! :) xxx

  2. All the goodies from ETSY are the look on the doggy's face with the crocheted rose collar....

    I am trying to teach myself crochet by watching YOU TUBE....and I want to knit a scarf this going to go get the yarn ..suppose to be a 10 day stretch of rain here starting around the 7th...cozytime...

    Loving the Christmas feeling...

    More later,
    Kary and Buddy

  3. Dear Dawn, I had been away from my blog friends for about 10 days and so did not know what was going on in your life, but now, after having read past blogs and talking with my friend Kary, I am reeling. My husband Jeff watched me reading with tears running down my cheeks.

    It is amazing how small our world is and how we can connect to those we've never really known, yet feel we know because of their words, their art, their life view.

    I send my heartfelt love and wish only that my sorrow for your loss could help lighten the burden for you and Ramon.


  4. Yay for Etsy! After yonks of browsing I made the plunge last night and made my first purchase! I am so thrilled and hope that the special person the Etsy treat is for will love it too ;)
    Morwenna xoxo
