
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Saying Goodbye

Dear Ones,
I have been keeping a secret from you these past weeks; my husband and I were expecting our first baby, and were absolutely overjoyed. As some of you may know, I have been hoping for a baby for a long time now.
Sadly, we lost our Little One yesterday morning, in the sixth week, right after seeing it's tiny heart beating on the ultrasound screen.
This has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through; we are still in shock.
I don't know when I will be back here writing; I am sure you will understand my absence.
All prayers are very much appreciated.


  1. Oh Dawn! I'm so so sorry for you! Having been there myself I know how hard it is. You need to get over this soon as you're both very young and healthy; hope you're ok physically. Go out on your lovely walks as soon as you're feeling stronger. Draw a little, cry a lot if you feel like it. It's exhilarating.
    My prayers are with you both.
    Take Care!

  2. Hi Dawn,
    I just wanted to say how very sorry I am for you and your husband, I know the pain that you are feeling and without any offence to the person who posted above I am going to say that you do not need to "get over this soon", in fact you need to take all the time that you need to. For me it took a long time to get over the broken heart, and truly I will never be "over" it completely. It will always be a part of me.
    I will pray for you, please know that you are in my thoughts and if you need to talk to someone whose been there you can always email me.
    xox J

  3. Oh God! There has been a misunderstanding! By getting over it I didn't mean 'forget' it. It still hurts when I think of my lost one. I meant say to yourselves that these things happen. I meant 'don't let it discourage you'. I was a wreck for quite a while and this was not at all good for us. My sister-in-law had 4 miscarriages in 3 years; now she has a lovely daughter and expecting another. Sorry for all this; I wanted to be supportive.

  4. Oh Dawn,

    I am so so sorry, this is so sad and so terrible... I thought you might be expecting and I was so excited for you...I can't imagine how you must be feeling but I hope your family are all there to gather round you and give you constant hugs and love. I know your husband must be devastated too so I am thinking of both you and him. Don't rush back if it feels too hard, we'll miss you but you need to take this one day at a time. Sending you lots of love and thinking of you. xxx xxx xxx

  5. Dawn,I am so very sorry to hear this...

    I will be thinking about you and your husband.

    Take care of yourself. You are in my thoughts and prayers, dear friend.

    I agree..we will miss you, but you and your husband need time...

    Love to you,

  6. Dearest Dawn, I lost my baby too & I understand how you must be feeling. Nothing comes close to the pain. Take comfort in each other. And it WILL happen for you, I just know it. This little one was sent to get your hearts ready. Love to you, take care of yourselves xoxo

  7. Dear Dawn,

    I had this sad experience twice in my life and I know that silence is all what you need at this moment ... but I never gave up and at the third pregnancy I fought with the whole strength of my soul and I could have my daughter . So, please, never, never, never give up !
    I wish you love, peace, serenity and faith ...


  8. My darling Dawn,
    You are so brave and I have been thinking of you and Ramon since last night and know that you are so in love and so strong that you will find your way through this sad time. You have found out that you can conceive and that is a wondrous thing. You are always in my thoughts and I am soglad that you have Kiki to look after and love you.
    You and Ramon are in my prayers, and I am sending you all of my love and hugs
    Morwenna xoxoxo

  9. Dawn,

    I am so sorry. You will be tucked into my prayers. And all of your readers will be holding your cyber space sacred for you whenever you are looking to re-connect. May you be wrapped in a blanket of love & warmth during this healing process.

    Bless you,


  10. "You will be tucked into my prayers..."

    "May you be wrapped in a blanket of love & warmth during this healing process..."

    Exactly. Perfect words, Molly.

    I am so sorry,

  11. I just discovered your lovely blog and so sad to hear your news. I remember the sorrow I felt when I lost a child to miscarriage. It is a very lonely place--even my husband could not share it completely. Prayers & blessing to you.

  12. Just stopping by to say hello and say you're in my prayers ...

  13. Dawn and Ramon. I am so sorry. Shedding tears for you both and sending prayers for your comfort, peace, health and for the Heavenly care of your precious little one to be all that you would have given in your home. I believe that sweet child is in the care of the Lord, being held by angels.

    Prayers, prayers, and more prayers.

  14. Good Morning Dawn....just checking in to let you know that I have been thinking about you and Ramon.... Stay close to each other....and know that you are in my thougths and prayers.

    Sending love,

  15. I am so sorry to hear your news Dawn, that tiny bundle of possibilities!
    I am thinking of the next little Twinklebud settling in when the time is right.
    Best Wishes

  16. I am so sorry for you. I recently stumbled upon your blog, which I love. Thank you for what you do.
