
Thursday, December 10, 2009

last night and this morning

It was a cold, rainy day, and my husband was feeling under the weather. Lucky for us, we have a book called 'Autumn' by Susan Branch which has a menu perfectly fitting of icy feet and runny noses.

Tomato puree, crushed garlic, chicken broth, lemon juice, a heaping tablespoon of butter...

...and served with golden grilled-cheese sandwiches, perfect for dipping and munching.

We didn't have the suggested brownies, so I filled a tiny pink bowl with peanut m&m's. 
We both felt warm and cozy by the end of it.

This morning the sun shone...a brilliant, mild December day lay folded open with sunlight and blue skies. I cancelled my plans of going shopping in the city (I am, after all, allergic to crowded shops) and took Kiki on a long walk. 


beginning with this symbol of love, a heart-shaped dew-drop glistening on a leaf. love is all around us, isn't it. we just have to pay attention.

the field has been planted with what at least appears to be something like kale. it is displaying beautiful colors right now; deep greens, orange, purple, pink...

kiki was beautiful in the sunlight. sniffing around, digging holes, and eventually rolling in something smelly and disgusting but which apparantly has the fragrance of Chanel nr 5 to her. there are even chammomile flowers still blooming along the border of the field. december daisies we'll call them.

This year has gone by so fast. Doesn't it feel that way every year? And then I think, next year I want to use my time wisely, and grow, and learn, and be better. I want to remember this feeling I have at the end of the year all the time; remember that feeling of sand slipping so hastily through the hourglass; we won't be here forever. So be happy now. See beauty now. Love deeply now. Celebrate now.



  1. so love this post....your photos are beautiful and your pup is as sweet as sweet can be. love & kindess are all around us. sometimes i just watch for it and i'm amazed by the kindness of the human the little things that people do for one another!
    enjoy your day....celebrate it!

  2. what a beautiful post! love the images you captured - and great pics of kiki!

  3. Your posts are also so inspriring, what a sweetheart Kiki is here :)

    Rhianna xx

  4. oops meant always!


  5. Another gorgeous post, Dawn & Kiki made me laugh...Alice did the hideous smelly rolling thing on our walk yesterday too! She never connects it with the bath she hates so much that always follows!
    You are so right, be happy with right now - it's all we can do! xox

  6. Love your post about Susan Branch's soup. She's always good for the soul. :)

  7. Love the heart-shaped dew drop and Kiki enjoying her adventure.

    "Autumn" is my favorite of Susie's books (and NOT just because she thanks me and my sweet husband and also shows our Christmas Cove on the map of New England), but I guess because autumn is my favorite time of the year, though it means we'll soon be leaving our beloved island and heading for California. You brighten my day!

  8. i love susan branch's books!
    your doggie is so adorable. you have a wonderful blog.
    : )

  9. Grilled cheese & tomato soup=heaven. Love this post, my friend! xo

  10. Gosh, those words make my eyes well...but then I am feeling particularly emotional at the are right...I'm going to continue coming to your blog each day because I think it will remind me of the important things and help chase away a little of my sadness right now... I love the heart photo in the leaf...I love the comment about Chanel no. 5 and cheese toasties and tomato soup are perfect comfort food too... xxx

  11. Another brilliant post. You've got so much love for life that always inspires me. From our little talks at Jamie's to here you give the word 'life' its true meaning.
    By the way, I was thinking of ordering a couple of Susan's books. Any suggestions?

  12. Oh Dawn...this was adorable...

    and thanks again for the kind words and your concern for Buddy...I feel so drained...but got GOOD NEWS this morning..all the xrays and blood work came back good ! I am so Happy. I cried all day yesterday..not a very good day..when one of my precious pets is down..I go into a shut down..can't eat..just so upset..

    today is a better day...

    you support means the world to me...more than you'll ever know...

    And love the cute Farmhouse Kitchen sidebar..adorable.....

    Sending love and thanks to you dear friend...

    kary and Buddy
