
Thursday, February 18, 2010

seed dreams

Inspired by My Farmhouse Kitchen's recent garden endeavors, I decided it was time for me to peruse my favorite online seed store, Renees Garden Seeds, and order the seeds for this year's garden plot. Last year I rented a plot on the local organic community garden, and although we were flooded and the weeds were merciless, I am going to try it out again this year. To read all about last year's and see photos, click here. To make a long story short, the farmer plants rows of organic vegetables, and you are resposible for caring for your piece. You can add your own seeds to your plot if you like.
These are the seeds I am dreaming of. At Renee's Garden Seeds you will find many heirloom and vintage sorts. I LOVE the illustrations, and the photos.

clockwise: saltwater taffy swirls sweet peas, antique perfume delight sweet peas, watermelon sweet peas, easter egg radishes

(top to bottom)
left: apricot blush zinnias, heirloom tomatoes, doubleclick cosmos
middle: shirley poppies, cut-and-come-again zinnias
right: bluepoint zinnias, dancing petticoats cosmos

 1. samba sunflowers 2. cinderella heirloom pumpkins 3. bandolier sunflowers

Oh yes, I am dreaming of my garden. 
xo country girl


  1. I love sweet peas; their perfume is divine. My mum used to have lots of them in her garden.
    Beautiful mosaics as always.

  2. Just saw your wild violets on twitter; they're gorgeous. I can't wait for the book to finish, be published and get a copy. It will be like the main character is someone I know well!

  3. I have bought Renee's seeds many times because of the beautiful illustrations of the seed packets. Even thought they would be pretty framed. My husband built me a raised bed last year and I hope he can build two more for me this year so I can expand the garden. Sweetpeas are some of my favorite flowers as you probably guessed. Thanks for very pretty post. Just a few more weeks and we can start planting!

  4. I have been wearing the garden catalogues out from my daily dreaming. I'll check this out, but starting from seed is difficult in a short growing season. And I don't like to start inside. *sigh*

  5. I made your oatmeal cookies, btw. Really too delicious.

  6. awww - good choices - we have places like this in the UK but the wait can be up to 2 years - how silly is that? Have you heard of Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall? He's a chef/freeholder here who is trying to address this problem with a project called 'Landshare' where people who have extra garden and space let out these plots to people who want to garden and then in return they get half of the produce. Good idea I think! Pity I'm not in once place for long enough these days! Love the look of those raddishes! xxx

  7. sorry not freeholder -smallholder!!! Get it right...!

  8. ooh, garden, how I am missing thee! (sigh) beautiful wishes though!

  9. oh...i want these. beautiful - i hope you plant them all so i can see their beauty.

  10. oh, now I can't wait for the garden!!! How inspring. I was looking at seeds yesterday.
    Where is that intro picture looks delicious. I'm going to read more, see if I missed the recipe..

  11. Hello my dear...yipeee...sweet pea dreaming...

    lovely pictures, Dawn...all of them..loved the fall too...seeds make me crazy with excitement...i planted so many sweet peas, english shelling peas and morning glorys...i was getting tired..i hope they do o.k. i just love walking out in the morning with Buddy and a cup of tea and getting down real close to the soil to see if i see any heads popping up...another of the plants i am obsessed with is corn..have planted it every year since i have been 5...sharon know this...even if sometimes it meant the front yard of where we were living at the watching it grow...and tassel..picking it in summer and tying it by the gate for Halloween....

    loved all of you know..

    i loved what you wrote about being able to visit each other and living around the too....why is it around the world...but at least we have this...

    sending love to you, my sweet friend

    kary and buddy

  12. Your garden plans look absolutely gorgeous! I particularly like the cinderella heirloom pumpkins for autumn♥

  13. Ooh lovely, looking forward to sharing all of my garden fantasies with you as I think we have chosen quite similar seeds :) Just waiting for mine to arrive in the post xoxo

  14. Everything looks so colorful and wonderful!!! I think community gardens are so neat. I wish you better luck this year!

  15. oh! i'm going to have to check out Renee's! I've been looking for heirloom tomotoes, but they're so beautiful they're almost hard to eat (key word being 'almost':)). I am SO excited for gardening! that's one of the main reasons why i began my blog..... of course, i can't post many updates in the dead of winter, but come spring there will be so much to discuss!
    i look forward to seeing more of your gardening photos


  16. Sweat Pea yourself...pretty and pink:)and fragrant.
    Don't mean to brag, but the hills right now in North California are green green green...yellow spring flowers everywhere, fragrant and so fresh.
    It's mustard season soon, I can see it everywhere. I do wish you all could come visit...

  17. Oh Dawn- this post just brings a smile to my face and a spring to my step. Aren't the names of those flowers just beautiful? I wonder whose job it is to name them such beautiful names like salt water taffy swirls sweetpeas!
    Happy weekend dear friend!

  18. So pretty! I love the colors of the Spring flowers...((dreams about garden season))

  19. I know how you feel....the warmer weather just gives you that itch for the garden! Love the pretty photos!
