
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Discovered: Island of Rügen

My husband will be working on a television show this summer and will be shooting it for 2 weeks in coastal northern Germany. He told me that he was getting a vacation rental for both of us (and Kiki), and I was very happy to have been invited to join him. I had never heard of the area, so I decided to look online to get an idea of what it's like.

It's so funny, because I have always loved New England, and every year I dream about going on vacation there. And now, I've discovered a place that is so near, and so lovely, and it really reminded me that I need to open my mind to all the beautiful places on this earth, especially those closest to me!

The place is called Rügen, or Rugia. Read about it by clicking here. I am going to share photos I found on google images with you....but I really look forward to sharing my own pictures once I've been there myself! We will be travelling there end of July. I can hardly wait. 

Rügen is known for it's white chalky cliffs.

Aren't they magical?

There are old churches and cemetaries.

Lighthouses, of course. I just love lighthouses.

The classic northern Germany homes have reed roofs.

Of course, my favorite photographs were of Rügen in autumn...

You can imagine how much I am looking forward to this July.
If it's as wonderful as I hope, I think it will become a regular vacation spot. 
Especially in autumn.

This discovery made me very aware that there are so many beautiful places on this earth that I have never even heard of.
Doesn't it make you happy and sad all at once?
Here's to discovering as many places of peace and beauty as one lifetime can possibly allow...

Happy June,

xoxo country girl


  1. How absolutely beautiful! I will SO enjoy getting to know Rugia as you share!

  2. Beautiful place. How wonderful you will vacation there and we will reap your impressions and wonder photographs.

  3. oh my, this place looks amazing!

  4. oh wow - i would be delirious with joy too. what a great spot.

  5. This is a beautiful island you have "discovered" and I look forward to your posts from there. I hope the volcanic ash is not reaching it. The homes, lighthouses, cliffs and nature are gorgeous.

  6. I think that place is more than an adequate substitute to New England! :) It's absolutely beautiful! So excited for you ♥

  7. Exquisite!!! Oh wow. I love these photos so much. :-) I'm SO glad you get to go on this excursion!!

  8. so much loveliness in these images. have a wonderful day :)

    xo Alison

  9. excited for you! We always need a little count down to an adventure, trip, rest, whatever brings you joy...may your countdown be filled with excitement and easy preparation!!!
    jaclyn ><>

  10. Good night!
    It seems to me that the month of July will bring a lot of adventure. I do not know much German, but the little I saw, in the few years, it seemed absolutely beautiful!

    I wish you all the best in this adventure. Will I follow via web / blog? I hope so

  11. How lovely Dawn that you can combine a holiday with work and take Kiki too :)
    Rügen looks beautiful and very much like the original old England that I am blessed enough to live in. I must show you a photo of the beautiful white lighthouse that we have in Keyhaven, I think it is so pretty.
    I am looking forward to travelling with you on your holiday through your beautiful photos and words
    Love Morwenna xoxo

  12. A new, exciting adventure for you and kiki! I'm thinking you'll like this place as much as you would enjoy New England!

  13. Gorgeous photos and very magical indeed!
    I'm sure July cannot come soon enough for you.

    happy day!

  14. Oh Country Girl, it looks like such a perfect, untouched, beautiful place to go and play and explore.
    Your sentiments couldn't be more relevant to my situation. We are moving very far away from our home this summer for at least 5 makes me happy that we are taking the leap to discover a beautiful place that we would otherwise never see, but I am scared of the loneliness that I may feel.

  15. That place looks enchanting! Enjoy it!

  16. I am so excited for your family! This will be such a special time. I know that my husband absolutely loves it when he gets to come "home" even while traveling for work. And what a beautiful place! I totally agree about visiting and appreciating the beauty right around us. I traveled a lot during college and right after, and I remember making a pledge to myself that before I travel out of the country again, I need to get to know my own country! It happened when John and I drove to CA from Maryland.

    So, have a great time, and I know you will fill this trip with so much gratitude. I think that is my favorite part. Knowing how much you will appreciate it.



  17. What wonderful photos - I think you shall certainly enjoy it there! So many places in the world we don't know is rather exciting but I know what you

  18. hello my name is Cristina and I write from Italy, I would like to visit Rugen, think that July is a good month? I would not find too much rain, many thanks

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