
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

summer afternoon perfection

What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.  
-Gertrude Jekyll

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon....

All you want to do is be outdoors, in the fresh air, under the huge blue sky. It's baking hot. We seek shade or shelter at noon. My arms are browned, my face is freckled, my stomach is full of watermelon. Kiki swims every day now, and chases butterflies and moths on the freshly-mown soccor field. Seed pods float like tiny whisps of cotton on the breeze. This morning, when I awoke, there was a shaft of sunlight warming my face, and the sound of construction workers coming through the open window. I liked that sound...that busy hot sound of summer. Throughout the day you can hear the voice of the lifeguard at the nearby community pool, booming through a loudspeaker. Engines, birds, hammers, lawn mowers, children playing, tractors. Yes...the busy hot sounds of summer.

And then the sun begins to set and everything is soaked in gold. The grass is as tall as me, nods and waves....I like swiping up the pods from the thin stalks and sprinkling them around like I did as a child. There is plenty of yarrow to harvest for tea now, and I've spotted the first few wild strawberries. Ate three. The wild flower meadow is a thick jungle, fit to be cut. Any day now. 

xoxo country girl


  1. Summer wakes us up and warms us through and through. Of course, further into summer grandfather sun bakes us brown as berries.

    Kiki is such a love. Seeing her water wading, stick in mouth, stirred my old heart, and brought a happy smile to my face.

    Happy Summer Day!

  2. I read this, then closed my eyes and pictured myself right there in the warm field listening to the sounds...
    Enjoy your days ~


  3. What a wonderful description of your day, Dawn! If it wasn't for the North Wales drizzle today, I could almost picture myself basking in the summer fields, or paddling in the river. Your photos are great, Kiki is one of the happiest dogs I think I've ever seen!

  4. The picture of Kiki in the water is so beautiful, like an impressionistic oil painting. Thank you for your blog and a look at such a lovely place.

  5. Good morning dear Dawn,

    I am in Chicago (rainy day) and feel your sunshine spreading to my tired bones.

    Thank you for the long e-mail. I promise to write when I have a second to go, but in the meantime, YOU keep writing and heading toward your goals.

    Sending love from the road,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  6. Dawn, another blissful post & bring beautiful Austria into my home (it's already in my heart!) Thank you and enjoy these heady early Summer days xoxo Rachel

  7. That was a great post. You just keep getting stronger with your writing. It's a joy to read.



  8. What a beautiful post; text, quote and photos! ♥

  9. Ah, Dawn, your pictures and words have captured the best of summer. Just beautiful!

  10. Love the new header and apron! :)

  11. Hello Dawn:).

    What a wonderful, summery post! The photos, the descriptions all make me long for summer- not too far away:). Watermelon and strawberries sound perfect:). And look at Kiki- is she shedding yet? Luna is shedding up a storm! Black hair all over the white carpets can only mean that summer is on the way:).

    Thanks for your sweet note:). I'm feeling well, much better now that I am no longer sick. That first tri-mester found me sick every day and sleeping every day, which is why I was awol for so long. It's good to be back, reading thoughtful stories and seeing lovely summer photos:). I hope you're well.

