
Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Change in Weather

Some people are Summer People. They love the heat, the sweat, the skimpy clothing, the sunbathing. I am not a Summer Person. I am an Autumn Person. I like mist. Fallen leaves. Wet grass. Puddles. Woodsmoke. A stack of books. A cup of frothy hot chocolate. Snuggling. Cinnamon. 

In the night there was a change in weather. You could see it coming in...just look at the photographs in the post below. The rain and wind has been an enormous relief. I slept the night through without tossing and turning on a sweat-dampened pillow. Kiki slept better, too, and when we woke up in the morning, we looked at each other and smiled. Aaaaaaah YES, a good night's sleep. Wind in the trees. Rain-soaked streets and fields waiting.

I put on my new boots, a new rain coat, and wrapped my spirit around me. It wasn't cold, but a very comfortable cool. No horseflies biting my legs, no bubbles of sweat on my lip. Everything felt fresh!

There were some pretty yellow leaves in the dewey grass. And then I thought to myself, "A four leaf clover would make the morning perfect." And a second later God showed me a five-leaf clover and said, "How do you like them apples?!" Oh yes, God...You are truly talented. Thank You for this cool, wet morning swathed in mist.

Now for that frothy hot chocolate and stack of books...

xoxo country girl

p.s. see a preview of three new kiki la ru cake buntings by clicking Here .


  1. Hello Dawn! Loved reading your blog today! I always do ;) Your raincoat & rainboots are adorable btw! Glad the weather there has freshened up for you. Happy Sunday sweetie. xo

  2. What a perfect day, I'm anxious for fall too, not a summer person either. I loved this post!

  3. Oh Dawn, your beautiful posts always seem to put a smile on my face.
    Thank you so much And how is it that you always seem to find four leaf clovers? You must have some magical spell that you cast.
    Thank you for your lovely note. I appreciate it.
    And I love that you love autumn. Me too. By far the best season.

  4. I love all the seasons and so I'm happy to live in New England. Just as you get sick of one season, it changes to the next.

  5. Oh your new boots and coat..did you know it would be so soon that you would get to wear them?? and glad your weather has cooled off. We are in the middle of a heat wave here in Iowa:( I'm like you...I'm not a summer person, love the coolness of spring or fall.

    Hope you have a blessed day dear friend...
    xoxo Gert

  6. Oh are the luckiest person I know..a 5 leaf clover??? Amazing! I can never even find a 4 leaf one:( Enjoy!!!

  7. lol! love your boots! but don't rush time away! autumn will be here soon enough.

  8. cute boots :-)
    i smiled when i saw this...looks like we are thinking about the same things...

    i can't believe how much alike we are, my dear one....

    sending love to you and kiki

    kary and teddy

  9. The rain has reached us, too. It's raining outside right now but it's still boiling hot in the flat (unless I stand right in front of the open balcony door). Enjoy the breeze!

  10. i am right there with you, autumn is my favorite season for all those reasons you listed and more! and wow, a five-leaf clover? what a find!

  11. Nice you got a cooling rain to take the heat down and a little preview of fall. The best sleep I have is in fall with the windows wide open or when it's raining after several hot nights. Think you look very cute in your new coat and boots. Never held a four leaf clover in my hand and a five leaf is just truly amazing.

  12. BTW Autumn is my favorite season and it never lasts long enough.

  13. I so look forward to autumn as well; nothing can compare to that magnificent season ♥

  14. Dawn, I am in love with those boots! Please let us know the brand of them. I have to have some! Thanks as always for the lovely post.


  15. Hi Valentina!

    The rain boots are from Joules, an english company.

    Find them here:

    They are comfortable and adorable!

  16. Wicked! Simple pleasures! I love this post! xxx

  17. Thanks, Dawn! Love the post, love the boots! I am seeking them out now...

    Take care,

  18. Great post!! We wonder if our mom is a summer pawson or autumn one. We know she doesn't enjoy our very VERY long winter for sure. She also LOVES vintage photos!!! Each photo tells you a story....

    Momo & Pinot

  19. Love your boots, they are so cute! Enjoy your hot choc and books!x

  20. Dear Dawn, thank you so much for your comment on my post today! It meant so much!! Especially that others are experiencing something similar - isn't it something that we are so hesitant to allow our light to shine as brightly as it's meant to shine. You certainly are well on your way. What happened with the book? Love, Silke

    P.S. I miss the clear air after a storm in Europe. Here in Georgia it just makes it more humid...

  21. Hi Dawn!

    I love your cake bunting at Kiki La Rue! I'm going to be buying some soon.... soooo cute and perfectly named!!

    I hope you're well.


  22. ...being Irish I love a four leaf clover!...beautiful images of the country side!...Thank you for sharing!

  23. Lovely photos & post as usual dearest Dawn! I've noticed that so many of my blogfriends are reflective and even a little wistful right now...I wonder what's in the air? Autumn is my favourite time too, by far....but there's something so beautiful about right now too...the happy birds, the blowsy garden,not having to wear a coat or scarf all the time, Alice stretched out blissfully in the sun...I feel more creative in Autumn though, for sure. See how good your posts are? So thought provoking. Thank you xoxo Rachel
