
Monday, March 7, 2011

The Most Happy News!

We're having a baby!

I am so happy to finally share this with all of you. This morning we had our 12 week scan (one of the most amazing experiences of my life to see our baby, with hands and feet and an adorable head, kicking and wiggling around), and once the ultrasound technician told us that our baby looks healthy as can be, I was ready to tell the world.

This precious baby was conceived on Christmas, and it's due date is September 18th.

We are over the moon. Especially now that we have seen it, so lively and healthy! It was so active that the technician had a hard time getting a good photo of it.

Ever since we found out on January 8th that God had blessed us with another chance, it has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Worry, joy, fear, excitement. I am glad I can finally share what I am truly going through. It's been hard to keep this big part of my life a secret up until now! How many times I have wanted to write about my morning sickness, my cravings, my hopes, my thoughts.

There is someone I want to a send a very special Thank you: Cheryl, a reader of this blog for over a year according to her heartfelt letter, sent me the most beautiful gift.

A necklace in commemoration of our first baby, Blueberry, who left us so soon. Thank you, Cheryl. Your thoughtfulness and kindness has touched my husband and I so deeply. You have given us such a precious gift. Our hearts are mingled with yours.

The sun is shining, and the birds are busy building nests. We are waiting impatiently for spring to burst forth, for warmth to ease us and green to please us. But mostly, today, we are simply grateful. To have seen our baby, to know that it is healthy, and to have been given this amazing gift of new life.

xoxo country girl


  1. You may not believe this, but about a month ago, I was thinking about you and awaiting a new post, had a feeling you might be pregnant, so I'm thrilled to read your wonderful news! I had no doubt you would be blessed again! Hugs!

  2. Yippee the secret is out!!! I am so thrilled you can now tell everyone the most wonderful news that we have all been hoping and wishing for :)
    Congratulations to you and Ramon on twelve wonderful weeks of pregnancy
    All of my love

  3. Congratulations and God's blessings surrounding you.


  4. Oh,so thrilled for you both. The best & happiest news for the start of the week and the year so far in fact! You'll know just how I feel for you and Ramon today. Love love love to all 3 of you xoxo R

  5. Oh, Dawn! I'm so happy for you! The best news ever! Congratulations!

  6. dawn, so happy for you! may you have a wonderful pregnancy. stop over at my blog, there's an award for you :)
    have a wonderful day!

  7. I KNEW it!!!! I'm so happy for you & Ramon!! Congratulations:). Can't wait to hear & see more as your pregnancy progresses:). If you need ANYtihng, feel free to send me a note:). I hope you're feeling well & taking good care of yourself:). This is wonderful news!!



    P.S. that is a lovely necklace:).

  8. Oh Dawn..
    What blessed news this is..this little baby will be so welcomed into your loving family.. Sounds like it is growing & active It too is!

    xoxo Gert

  9. I am so happy for you both - what wonderful news! God bless you and keep you -

    Susan May

  10. Dawn,

    This is the best news ever!!!! What a fantastic way to start the day. Thank you so much for sharing, and you and Ramon will be in my thoughts and prayers over these upcoming months for the joyous and healthy pregnancy that I know you will have. You, dear Dawn, are going to be one FANTASTIC mother.

    Can't wait to read all about it...


  11. such blissful news!
    thank you for sharing it with us all. i don't know why but somehow i had an inkling that you were pregnant...and i am so thrilled for you that it's true. congratulations! be sure to enjoy your pregnancy. i know that there will have been and will be many anxious moments but there is so much to celebrate too. this is your year! x

    nothing ever compares to this special happiness - thank you for sharing it with us and i look forward to your blog of the months (and years) to come....

  13. I've been a long time reader of your blog, but don't know that I've ever commented before. I'm always so inspired and uplifted by your blog, and I am so happy for you and your husband on this wonderful news! I had an inkling recently too that you might be pregnant, and I've patiently awaited this announcement. Congratulations to you! Oh, and September 18th is an awesome due date, as it is my birthday as well :)

  14. Hi Dawn,

    I have been following your blog for quite some time and I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy for you. My oldest son was conceived on Christmas too and his birthday is 14th September (he was 3 days early). My adoptive daughter's birthday is 12th September, so she must have been conceived around that time as well.
    I wish you all the best!

    Natacha (from the Netherlands, living in Luxembourg, mother of 4 - 2 biological, 2 adopted children from South Africa)

  15. dawn that is just the best news!!! i'm so happy for you and your growing family!! can't wait to hear all about the baby adventures :) yay!!!

    kisses from us xx

  16. Dawn, congrats! I almost knew it -- you had not been active in such a while that I almost went "I wonder if..." I'm so excited for you, and I can't wait to see your preps and your journey!

  17. What wonderful news! I'm sooo happy for you and your husband. My birthday is September 19th, so I must have been conceived around the holidays as well. Virgos are wonderful people...hee, hee! Like the rest of your blogging friends, I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with you. And by the way, the necklace is beautiful!

  18. when I read that your "inner child" wanted rainbow cookies I just had a feeling.
    I'm so excited for you and Ramon, what a wonderful blessing, what wonderful days to come for you.
    I'm so excited for you :O)
    And your reader Cheryl who sent you that necklace, wow, what a thoughtful and beautiful token.
    Prayers and blessings xox
    Thank you for finally being able to share this with us.

  19. Congratulations on your wonderful news ♥

  20. Congratulations!!

    This post absolutely made my day. I'm so, so, so happy for you!

  21. What wonderful news! My sister's birthday is Sept. 18TH and when we were kids, she figured out that her birthday and Christmas Day are ALWAYS on the same day of the week. (We played with anything as children, even calendars!)
    Kay Guest

  22. Congratulations!! That is truly exciting. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and may God bless you with a precious baby in September. God Bless you, and your family. Silvia

  23. oh dawn....what wonderful news....i am just thrilled for you and ramon....i know you will be THE BEST parents ever...what a precious gift....prayers have been answered...i send heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS and LOVE to you both....


  24. what wonderful news; congrats & God bless!!

  25. May all your troubles be 'little' ones! So happy for you. I love my babies and I know you will, too. such grand news! God bless! thea

  26. I have been anxiously awaiting this post for a long time hoping for you and thought in one of your last posts where you said something about inner child I thought maybe that was your hint to us.

    Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you

  27. Soooo happy for you! Blessings and love your way. I am thrilled to hear such amazing news. Hope you feel well. xo Shelley

  28. CONGRATULATIONS! This was the first post in my blog reader this morning and it's a beautiful way to start the day. I'm just delighted for you and wish you so much happiness and joy over the course of your pregnancy and utter bliss beyond that. xx Christen

  29. Like so many others it seems, I have been patiently waiting for this announcement! Blessings! I thought the lapse of silence hopefully indicated good news to come! I am about a month further along than you and am pregnant with twin girls...after two years of hoping, prayer and heartache I cherish every moment. I am sure you do, too! Wishing you the lovely pregnancy I have had so far!

  30. Yippee! This is the best news of the day...

  31. Congratulations! Such wonderful news for you!

  32. CoNGrAtuLaTiOnS!!! I have happy tears as you have been a friend to me without even knowing it! May all your dreams come true! And please know that you touch the lives of so many of us with your "sweetness!" Blessings to you and Ramon from a far away friend!

  33. Honey, I've been tuned out of my blog for a few days and had I looked I would've shrieked for joy at your welcome news.

    I am SO HAPPY for you and Ramon and know what wonderful parents you will be. You've turned a corner now and your life will be forever changed.

    But you'll have to nudge Mother Nature a birthday is September 17th, so you shouldn't wait for the 18th!

    Hurrah for you and your family. We're all here for you (except you're on your own in the morning sickness category-I didn't like that at all-sorry)

    Sending heartfelt joy across thousands of miles,


  34. What happy news!

  35. Brilliant brilliant news. So very happy for both of you xxxx

  36. Congratulations Dawn, this is wonderful for both you and Ramon...a dream come true! Many MANY blessings for a healthy pregnancy and wonderful days ahead filled with joyful memories and peaceful moments. much love from WI...xoxo ><>

  37. Oh, so happy for you!!! Congratulations, you will make such a wonderful Mom. Babies are pure joy!


  38. Susan Branch has a baby book called, I think, Baby Love. I got one for my niece, it is so adorable. Might be out of print but I'm sure Amazon has one. Didn't know if you knew about it & thought I would let you know.

    Such great news!!

  39. Dawn, I am SO happy for you!!! You will truly be such a wonderful mother! ♥

  40. What lovely news! i hope it all goes well for you, and i can't wait to meet the little one..:)

  41. Such wonderful news Dawn! Congratulations to you and Ramon.
    Looking forward to when your new book is published.

  42. Oh Dawn! As soon as I saw the headline I knew! Your prayers have been answered! I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to hear this and I can't wait to meet your little one in blogland when he or she comes! Kiki and Boston are in for a treat too!

    We've been here with you all the way through and no one deserves this happiness more than you. Wishing you lots of good thoughts and that everything goes well!

    It is also lovely of Cheryl to be so thoughtful. What a precious gift...

    Big hug and lots of love, been waiting for this news and for this day to come! xxx

  43. PS 18th of September is a great day too - my best friend's birthday! xxx

  44. Congratulations! Have been following your blog for the past 6-8 months, and am really happy for both you and your hubby! Take good care! :)

    xxo. Shu (

  45. What wonderful news! I am a new follower of your blog, finding the reference through my following of Susan Branch. She has led me to so many good sites! I just want to send the very best to you for the months ahead.

  46. Oh, sweet Dawn! I wanted to add my little note of biggest congratulations to your wonderful news!! You will be the best mother on the face of the planet!! My joy for you is bubbling over, sweetie!! Sending you a huge hug!! Love, Sherry xx

  47. YAY! So excited for you Dawn!

  48. Dear Dawn,
    What beautiful, sweet, wonderful news! I'm sending along the warmest embrace of happy congratulations.
    PS September 18th is my birthday. ; )

  49. Oh Dawn this is wonderful news!! I guess the new home and a relaxing (and obviously very romantic) Christmas with Ramon made the magic happen!!

  50. congratulations!! I don't know I missed this announcement but I'm so very happy for you!!!! sending big hugs your way!

  51. Dawn,
    I know this is something you have yearned for and I am so tickled that you have such joyous news. I know that both you and Ramon will be incredible parents....more delighted than ever!!! God always has special plans and for some reason this special timing is just the perfect timing....I know as time passes you will learn just why this little child is coming into your life when it is....all the wonderful blessings to both of you as you feel the joy all around you with Spring blossoming inside and out!! Love, Joann xxoo

  52. dawn,
    i had a dream of you the other night... and here, such great news.
    so glad i stopped by. you are always in my thoughts.
    this is just the most fabulous news.

  53. Wow...congratulations.....just found your lovely blog and so glad I did. Happy weekend to you.

  54. congrats congrats congrats!

    such wonderful news, can't wait to see the bub now!

  55. OM
    What a joy!!!Loving blessings from grandma and her boyfriend in California...can't wait to hold my grandchild and bond deeply.

  56. OMG!!!!! That is SO wonderful. I couldn't be any more thrilled for you. I'm so happy everything is going well and that baby is healthy. I have a good, good feeling about this one... :-)

    (Recently had good news of my own...finally....thank goodness!!!)
