
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wild Flowers

During this exciting time of year when so many different sorts of wild plants are bursting into life, I find it important to explore different parts of the forest. Plants grow in different areas depending on the soil, the sunlight, and the moisture, so a plant that covers an entire area on one side of the hill may not be found at all on the other.

With this in mind I took a different path into the woods this morning, curious to see what was growing on the Southern side of the hill which has more direct sunlight than the path I normally take.

It started out very similar to my regular path, with blankets of wild garlic.

The church looked so beautiful beyond the hillside of wood anemone.

Once we reached the top of the hill (an admirable feat with this belly...I went very slowly and made lots of water breaks) I began finding a few flowers that I hadn't found on my regular walks.

Viola Reichenbachiana (common Dog Violet, edible blossoms that have the most lovely fragrance)

Hepatica nobilis (liverwort...what an ugly name for such a pretty flower!)

Corydalis Cava (crested lark, one of my favorites...looks very much like lupines)

Once we reached the little platform that someone built for doing excersises on, I decided to try and take a picture of myself with the automic timer, so I placed the camera in position and then made a pose holding my belly and smiling. Right before the camera went off, Boston surprised me by charging up and jumping onto my legs. So this is the slightly blurry picture that resulted.

It's better than any pose I could have made.

Enjoy your weekend my friends!!

xoxo country girl


  1. Oh how I love violets. Of course I'm usually buying mine at the DIY Home Improvement Store. The wild ones are so much better! And I love the candid shot that resulted from Boston's little "love intrusion"!!! So adorable...

    Oh, and your belly looks SO GREAT!!! :-)

  2. Loving the flowers, you really do live in a magical place! Have you ever said how you landed there?

  3. Oh are so blessed to have all of that wildlife at your beck and call (so to speak..) I can just see how you can get lost in all of it's beauty...

    Of course the Boston picture is the 'best' it!!!

    xoxo Gert

  4. Sue, take a look at the 'About Country Girl' tab at the top left of the blog banner. It tells a little bit about me, including why I moved to Austria. :)

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, Boston AND the countryside! Your violets look paler than pretty, and I adore the Liverwort! that church says Austrian Countryside to me like nothing else! happy weekend xoxo

  6. Seeing all those beautiful flowers on your walk was so much fun.Austria is so so beautiful. All that beauty just out your door.
    Very cute picture of you and Boston. Yes, think it was perfect.
    Found some little violets in my backyard. One is pale yellow and the other lavender. Wonder if it's Dog violet?

  7. I just love wild flowers. You did a wonderful job of capturing them. Looks like spring is finally there to stay.

  8. i really love wildflowers, and seeing yours is a treat.

    i am also beyond thrilled for you and your pregnancy, i love babies and having my five has been the biggest blessing of my life. you are such a beautiful mom.
    xoxo lori

  9. These photos made my night. Spring! Hooray! Wishing you a happy and beautiful season. xo Gigi

  10. The perspective in the photograph with the church is fantastic! We have loads of dog violet in my garden; I love how easily it multiplies. As always, your Cavaliers catch my eye and make me smile :)

    Debbie @ Beyond the Dog Dish

  11. That last picture is so sweet Dawn. I love how it captures your love for Boston and love for your babe!
    What gorgeous photos from your walk, and of the church in the background. I can just imagine that your village is a beautiful little place. I'd actually love to hear more about it in a post someday....what it's like, are you close to a bigger town/city....
    xoxo love from me!

  12. I just LOVE this posting---but the last one is so naturally joy-filled. Sometimes, it's these moments of glee that we can draw upon when life hands us difficulties. What a cherished moment you captured....unintentionally, but beautifully!

    xx Joann in Colorado

  13. Looking good Dawn - both you and the're both growing and full of colour! :) xxx

  14. so beautiful

    i've missed visiting you.
