
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Late Summer

At this point of summer, we begin spotting the first clues of autumn's approach. A scattering of yellow leaves on the forest path...sunflowers and rudbeckia at the farmer's market...wild apples and elderberries ripening. Goldenrod glowing bright against fences. The first cluster of golden mushrooms on a mossy stump. The first fallen emerald acorns. It's so exciting!

On this morning's walk, Boston drank from tiny leaf-choked puddles and Kiki chased butterflies. The sun shone and the birds sang. The creek trickled lazily. I was so happy that I had brought my camera along for this little late summer adventure.

Back home here now, on the table, is a bouquet of goldenrod, sunflowers, rudbeckia, and chinese lanterns. So humble, yet so glorious! Better than any fancy garland of orchids or roses, if you ask me.

I'm wondering if there will be pumpkins at the farmer's market tomorrow....


  1. Beautiful. Those flowers are just gorgeous! I am always a little sad at the end of summer. I hate to see the warm weather go. But once fall is upon us, I get excited about the change of seasons. I am enjoying your blog, and hope you are feeling well.

  2. Wondrous!

    I am desperately in love with summer, every day more.

  3. Such a exciting time esp. after a extreme hot summer here! I'll have to get out and look for early signs of my favorite season! Love your bouquet!!

  4. Good morning dear Dawn,

    I was so glad to awake to your note...and yes, it is the Eggemoggin Reach and it is wonderful. McCloskey's island name (and we could see it yesterday) is PUMPKIN ISLAND...what could be a better name than that?

    I just held a green acorn in the palm of my hand and marveled at it.

    Sending love from the foggy coast of Maine (and hoping all is well and that you're not walking too much).


  5. Sweet Sharon!
    Pumpkin island....Christmas Cove....My heart is saying "I must go, I must go, I must go!" Some day! :)
    Don't worry, I'm definitely not walking too much. I take it really easy, and nap once a day.

  6. Oh I love this little look into your daily walk... little signs of fall are there! I'm getting very excited for fall too. It's just the prettiest time of year, especially here in the Yukon, although it goes very quickly. The colours of the fireweed is so bright, it looks like the mountains are on fire. I'm getting so excited.

  7. Your love of nature is evident every time I gaze at the beautiful pictures you take and read your descriptions that so vividly describe the beauty. Hoping your approaching Autumn is spectacular. One day soon you will have a sweet baby to show these wondrous sights. Hoping the remaining days of your pregnancy are comfy as can be right now. Sounds like you are taking real good care of yourself. Sending a hug along to a kindred spirit.

  8. Looks like you've had a lovely and gentle summer, how pretty to see the apples on the tress, and Boston :)

  9. Dear Dawn,
    thank you so much for you sweet comment on my blog :).

    Your late summer pics are really lovely and I like the colorful bunch in the blue vase. I also like your cake buntings and it is funny because I saw them on Kasey Buicks blog and adored them since then and now you wrote me :). World is small ;)!

    I read about your pregnancy and I wish you and your baby all the best! My first boy was born in week 32 and I understand your concern.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Nadine

  10. Isn't nature so miraculous!! How lush your forest is and aren't you the lucky one with all those apples on your trees!!! I will enjoy them vicariously as all our blooms got nipped this spring, but that happens!! Enjoy every moment of this special transitional season, sweet Dawn! Love and hugs, Sherry xxx

  11. Oh my gosh...these photos are amazing! I love your beautiful bouquet!!! As always you are amazing!

    xoxo Gert
