
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little September Treasures

I've mastered four-minute showers and can brush my teeth and get dressed at lightening speed. We're already considering occasionally introducing the bottle, so that Ramon has a chance at soothing our baby and I can have a little more freedom to do things like, you know, EAT. 

His dependence on me, and our bond, astounds me. And how quickly he is growing....I look at photos from his first day and have tears in my eyes, because he already looks and acts so differently. On the other hand, I am very much looking forward to the time when a rhythm forms in our days. Because right now they are a complete mish-mash and have no order whatsoever. Every day is different. One day he'll have an orderly flow of nurse, burp, sleep for two hours, the next day he won't sleep for longer than periods of ten minutes before waking up and wanting to nurse again. We had a day like that yesterday, and I was literally glued to the couch the entire day. 

As you may have guessed, he is sleeping now, allowing me to quickly pop in and say hello. But really, I should be sleeping along with him....



  1. He is beautiful. This is a lovely post about the beginnings of your new life together.


  2. I think he's the cutest baby I've seen in my entire life!!!

  3. Baby knows best! :) Cherish this time, the only rhythm that matters now is love! I agree with the bottle so your hubby can be more involved and bond like you.

  4. HI !!! Dawn raffi is sooo cute he looks big :))) hope you have a better day today . Here in Chicago it's raining leaves are all over it looks like my favorite season is here ...

    Lots of blessings Mary

  5. Oh my goodness! He is the cuttest little person I have seen. He really does look like you Dawn. And look at those big eyes...! I remember the first month after my son was born to be the hardest, and it does get easier after that. Enjoy those first few weeks, because they truly do fly by.

  6. yeah, I remember being amazed the first time I saw a mom caring for a newborn -- I was looking after her three year old so she could just nurse, change, and watch the baby. They consume every ounce of energy and attention! I have seen other friends use bottles so that the father can also feel closely connected to the baby early on, because otherwise there is nothing for him to do directly with the baby because all s/he wants to do is nurse.

    Mothering is such hard work and you are so brave to embark on it. Thank you for sharing your experiences so far -- what a rollercoaster!

  7. Ahh, I remember! Our son was adopted and we brought him home at 4 days old and when I took him to his 3 month check-up, the doctor looked him over and pronounced he was doing well. Then he turned to me and asked, "How is mommy doing?" I burst into tears, sputtering about him wanting to eat so often, not getting enough sleep, etc. The doctor smiled and told me to add rice cereal to his formula, cut a slightly bigger slit in the nipple to allow its flow, and then it would fill my son up and allow longer sleeping. Worked like a miracle! Instead of up every 2 hours, he would sleep 4-6 and I could sleep. And he was growing so fast!
    Your son is adorable and looks so much like my Jimmy did! Especially the hair!

  8. Sleep deprivation is a malady that affects all new parents.:) This time will quickly give way to still another "phase."
    I am sorry there was such a complication after little Raffi's arrival. That was no fun at all!
    Our oldest daughter was 20 months old when we gave birth to twin girls. I nursed them for 3 months. It might have been longer had there been something like a pump available; however, there was no mention of one around anywhere. That would have been handy for my husband to help with feeding time. I realized how exhausted I was one morning when I actually cried, wondering if I would ever be able to eat warm scrambled eggs again.:)
    Our oldest is now 38, and the twins will be 37 just before Christmas. We all survived.:)
    Raffi is absolutely adorable, and it sounds as though he lets you know what he needs.:)

  9. he looks very very much like you, .... and yes the first period after you have had a baby you do not even know if it's day or night, it's just taking care of the most important person for you, you'll remember this with joy


  10. I'm glad you are feeling better. Here I pictured you rocking Raffi on the deck in utter bliss. I was sorry to hear that you were sick instead. And the story of Raffi's birth!! You are like a mommy warrior! I remember seeing my sister in labor, when I left the room, I burst into tears. And she had drugs! I wish women didn't have to go through all that.

    Glad everyone is doing well now. Love the pumpkins! I always look for pumpkins with interesting stems too.

    What a sweetie he is! Enjoy every moment, in the sleepy ones.


  11. I meant... "even" the sleepy ones.


  12. ~~~ i just have to say...that is the most BEAUTIFUL baby i have ever seen !!!!

    sending love to all


  13. Oh, what a sweet little peanut!! He's beautiful!! Now, go get your sleep:).

    xox, Blair

  14. He is just absolutely wide-eyed. Oh how I remember those constant will get better....

  15. Enjoy this period of time even if it's very tiring for you. There is a lot of stress with the first baby,because you are never sure what to do and if you are wright or wrong. Let your instinct guide you and all will be alright.Generally it's easier and more enjoyable with the second baby,you are more relaxed because you already know how to behave,nevertheless you will learn day by day. Sleep when your baby does to have strenght ad let nature do the rest.Your baby is so handsome and look like his parents! Lots of love dear.

    Mamma Carla

  16. What a sweet boy you have! His eyes, that little mouth, the dark hair. He is really beautiful. Enjoy your time with him ... and get your rest!

  17. ciao mamma carla, it's as if we met in Dawn's kitchen coming and going. How are you?
    ..... and Dawn I have been said that the babies teach to parents how to be a mother and father, you only need to follow the instructions your little boy gives you
    ciao madamada

  18. What a beautiful baby! You might want to wait on giving him a bottle. He's so young he might develop a problem nursing after having a bottle. It happened with my daughter. It's easier to get milk from a bottle than a breast, so sometimes babies will choose the bottle. Definitely don't put rice cereal, or any other kind of cereal in his bottle, it can lead to allergies. The days that he is nursing all the time, he is building up your milk supply. Just meant he is growing and needs more milk. It's supply and demand. The more he nurses the more milk you make, the less he nurses the less milk you make. Make sure you're resting when he is and keep drinking your water. You're doing great!

  19. I met an old friend today in your kitchen Dawn!Ciao Madamada,everything is allright and we rejoice ourself over this wonderful baby and the joy oh his parents!!


  20. come back both of you, when you have time on JO forum are missed like making an agrodolce dish without sugar and vinegar .... I'm sure mamma Carla immediately thinks the vinegar words are hers dai dai Carla and Dawn come back your basic ingredients not there and I can taste it

    madamada now Grandmadamada

  21. Sounds like you and Ramon have settled into parenting with ease and it really suits you. September will always be a month filled with treasures for you xxx
