
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome, Rafael!

Our little boy is here!

Rafael is the sweetest little soul, I am so deeply in love.

My water broke at 10 am on September 14th. Labor took an amazingly painful and exhausting 16 hours, but of course, it was all worth it.

Thank you all for your love, friendship, and support throughout these past 9 months!

I'll post more pictures when time allows!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! What a sweet little fellow! Thanks for the photo and may you feel stronger every day. God bless your family.

  2. Oh Dawn, so many congratulations! Thanks for taking time out to share him with us too.
    Every good wish to you all!

  3. Congratulations Dawn and Ramon! Rafael is the most scrumptious bundle of joy I ever did see, he is so beautiful and I can really see a resemblance to Ramon with his dark full head of hair and handsome little face.
    I am sure the labour is nothing more than a distant memory now that you have the family you have always dreamt of, and by golly you certainly deserve it.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post this as we know your time is now very precious indeed, but we all needed a Raffi fix!
    Sending you, Ramon, Kiki, Boston and little Rafael lots if love and cuddles
    Morwenna xoxoxo

  4. Congratulations Dawn. He is adorable - love those full lips! When you see them every second of pain is worth it. Enjoy your first few days together - they are the most magic time ever!

  5. Wow! I'm speechless! He's precious!!!Congratulations to both of you! My best wishes for a healthy & happy life!

  6. oh dawn...i keep looking at him...he is just so beautiful....what a darling little bundle of love....

    congratualtions to you and have such a sweet and precious family.....

    sending love to all....


  7. Beautiful baby boy...wonderful name...congratulations!...Colleen

  8. Welcome Rafael! What a wonderful photo of your new little one. Take care and get some rest.

  9. Congratulations! He's darling. :) Take good care of yourself, and enjoy these sweet days. :)

  10. I'm so happy that Raffi has arrived! No baby could be more welcomed and loved than this one. Congratulations, Dawn and Ramon. Your dream has come true! XOXO

  11. I was so happy to wake up this morning and read such wonderful news! I started shouting, "Dawn had her baby! Dawn had her baby!" And my daughters came running over to the computer to meet your precious Rafael! Congratulations to you and Ramon and thank you for sharing with all of us!

  12. Dawn,
    He is amazing---I could hardly wait!!!! Thank you for sharing his sweet little face with all of us tweetlette aunties out here....

    Love and Hugs and SO MUCH JOY!!

  13. Hurray ~ He is such a sweetie pie. It is a joy to have been on this adventure with you. It has been pure pleasure to see all of the love you have showered on little Raffie the whole time you were carrying him. Now he will grow in love all the more now that he is here with his Mom and Dad.

    Congratulations to you and Ramon.


  14. Sending warm congratulations and love to your family. Raffi is so adorable, perfect in every way. Know you are probably "over the moon" with joy and love. So happy for you all!

  15. Welcome, sweet little Rafael!

    Dear Dawn,
    congratulations to you and your husband and all the best for the wonderful first days and weeks with your son.


  16. Well done! What a treat to check in this morning to such happy news--he's a beauty!

  17. Congrats to your precious little baby boy! He is absolutely adorable, Dawn.
    Have a beautiful time, now that he is here with you two!

  18. he's so sweet. congratulations!!

  19. Oh Dawn he is beautiful or should I say "handsome" ! Sorry it was such a long labor...but I know you believe he was well worth it! Congratulations & love to all of you!

    xoxo Gert

  20. Oh, sweetie, he's so cute! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! Welcome, Rafael!

  21. Congratulations, Dawn! I am so, so happy for you! Rafael is so sweet and so perfect. Wishing you wonderful, restful days ahead with your new little boy.

  22. I kept searching for news in these days and here he is. You can be proud of him and of yourself
    ciao madamada (now grand_Ma) (from JO site) enjoy everything and be sure you'll be a good mamma

  23. He is so beautiful! Congratulations, you did it! You brought an amazing life to the world. Take care of yourself and your little one!~

  24. Dear Dawn Congratulations !!!!! for you and your husband on the arrival of Raffi !!!

    Lost of blessing :))) Mary

  25. CONGRATULATIONS! He is so adorable. I can't wait to see more pictures of him, but in the meantime, enjoy you little bundle of joy,

  26. Dearest Dawn, he is sooo beautiful!! How blessed and lucky you and Ramon are to have such a lovely baby boy!!! I am so very, very happy for you!!! Please give him a big kiss from me....Love, Sherry xxxxxx

  27. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy!
    Very happy for you and Ramon.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy your little bundle of joy!

  28. He's quite the handsome fellow! Congrats! :)

  29. Congratulations! He is a beautiful boy!! So very happy for your new arrival. Enjoy every second. Blessings!

  30. Congratulations!! So glad to her that Mom and baby are healthy and happy. You must be over the moon.

    I was thinking the other day that I have read your blog for over two years. (That's a long time for me, I am not a big blog reader!) I am so happy for you that you have this wonderful addition to your family.

    I read your Twitter last night and saw that your water broke a couple of days ago. I wanted to post a message, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. It killed me, but I kept quiet. (LOL)

    Give him a little kiss from all of us!:)



    When you are ready, don't be shy with the pictures and bragging, we want to hear!!

  31. Yea! Congratulations! He's beautiful. Can't wait to see more photos and get updates of your life as a new mom. Much happiness and good health to you and your sweet baby.

  32. oh, he is beautiful! well done dawn, he will be so loved.

  33. Oh he is so so beautiful! Such adorable lips! So glad you are both well. Congratulations!

  34. Congratulations, he is gorgeous. All the painful memories of labour will vanish (if they haven't already)Enjoy the first few days of tiny-ness they go so fast.
    You have such an amazing adventure ahead of you.

    jess x

  35. What wonderful news! I KNEW it was happening! Rafael is lovely! He remind me of my son when we adopted him--he also had a head full of dark hair! Had his first haircut at 1 month old because it had gotten so long!

    the Lord had blessed you with a gift that I know you will treasure.

  36. What a precious little boy! Congratulations to you and Ramon.

  37. Congratulations on your sweet bundle of joy!
    With my very best wishes,

  38. Congratulations! I let out a loud 'yeah' this morning when I saw you post. Thank you for taking the time to come online and share your gorgeous, precious little bundle with us.
    Sending you and your growing family all the very best wishes.

  39. Enormous congratulations; he is just utterly divine! I wish you three much joy in this really blissful time.

  40. Dawn, I've been following you for a long time now and been through all your highs and lows that you have posted on this blog. I know just how significant and important Rafael's arrival is into yours and Ramon's life and I am so happy for you both. You've come such a long way and you truly deserve this happiness and special moment. The biggest congratulations! And here's to now exploring motherhood with you and learning all about this lovely little boy! Lots of Love xxx

  41. He is absolutely gorgeous and I am just so head over heels happy for you and Ramon. What a beautiful little blessing you have. I can't wait to see more pictures of Raphael and hear about how you 3 are doing.
    Lots of love xoxo Johanna

  42. Oh my gosh, he is absolutely beautiful...know you are thrilled in every way!!

  43. Congratulations Dawn! He is precious, and it is so good to finally see his face! I'm sure that house is filled with so much love, it feels nice even thinking about how much. Warm thoughts and blessings to you three (five!) in every way!
    Love - Molly

  44. Congratulations! What a sweet sweet boy :)

  45. Dear Dawn and Ramon,

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Rafi is handsome and healthy...who could ask for more?? We all so enjoyed this tumultuous journey with you and are so happy for the great outcome.

    We all love you Rafi. Take care you three.


  46. Congrats! Enjoy this time with Raffi and Ramon.

  47. Congratulations, Dawn! How adorable your bundle of joy is! I am sending along the very best for each of you!

  48. So happy for you all. He is beautiful!

  49. God Bless you and your beautiful little family! Congratulations XOXO

  50. May God bless you and keep you both! Congratulations!

  51. Congrats again, he's so adorable!!! I'm so happy for you three!!

  52. Oh, he's beautiful! I'm so happy for you!!! All my love to you and your family :) ♥

  53. Oh joy and happiness! I wish you the best on this part of your journey. What a gorgeous baby! xo

  54. come to JO forum when you'll have time and see all congratulations for your little treasure


  55. What a wonderful baby boy,smiling like an angel!

  56. Tears of joy sprang up in my eyes when I sat down to catch up with all the blogs I love! Congratulations a million times over on your new little bundle of sweetness. He is such a handsome little man :)

