
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Beautiful Fall Weekend

Kiki goes leaf crazy this time of year. She is a leaf chaser extraordinaire! Witnessing the excitement she feels dashing after leaves would fill anyone with joy; her happiness is very infectious!

We spent the most lovely hours of the weekend hiking in the woods, soaking up the final days of foliage. Sure enough, yesterday brought winds which sent the last of the leaves down.

This is a handmade bird feeder that stands in the middle of the woods. It's a heart warming thought that there are other people who love the birds as much as I do.

Someone, I wish I knew who, makes these stick 'teepees' all around the forest. This time they covered one with fallen leaves. So lovely!

Raffi loves our walks. He usually keeps his eyes wide open for the way up into the forest, and then naps for the way back. We keep each other nice and toasty.

Ramon giving the dogs water. (And Kiki smiling...I know one of you mentioned her looking 'sad,' but that's just the way Cavaliers usually look. Here's proof that she's doing well!)

Rafael, 7 weeks old. He'll be 2 months next Tuesday. My bundle of love.

P.S. I thought I would let you know that I've finally followed my passion for nature and photography and have created a new blog dedicated solely to my nature photographs. May All Seasons Be Sweet To Thee will remain my personal blog, where I share my thoughts and pictures of my life and family. But I have always wanted a collection of my nature photography, all in one place. So, I've begun The Phenologist. Please don't feel obligated to follow both of my blogs; I just wanted to welcome anyone who is in love with nature and seasons like I am to visit The Phenologist, a place dedicated purely to celebrating the beauty of wildlife.


  1. Those trees covered in gold and orange are amazing!! Your bundle of love looks content to be out in nature, such a blessing! I can't wait to follow your nature blog too, your shots are awesome!!

  2. Such beautiful pictures to capture such a wonderful season! Glad you have a new blog with your delightful pictures, I will be following! Raffi looks so content, he looks just like his mama.

  3. che meraviglia!!!!! di bambino


  4. he is just beautiful, dawn. beautiful! :) Thank you for sharing your nature journeys with us...and your every day thoughts. It's always so refreshing and fun to think of you as my internet/blogging friend! :)

  5. Your baby is wonderful!!!
    mamma carla

  6. waiving to kiki!! hello to you all.

  7. Lovely, as always. Love to see photos of little Raphael with you. He looks very content.

  8. Rose Lefebvre says:
    Love the new blog! Became a follower!
    Raffi has your lips!

  9. That was me who was concerned about KiKi!:) Raffi's sweet, plump cheeks look perfect and very healthy.


  10. Oh that last picture of baby Raffi sleeping away.... sooooo incredibly precious! Look at his heavy eye lids and pouty lips! You must just be in heaven when you hold him. I can't wait for my little one to come... any day now I hope!

  11. OMG! What a both are.
    Mommy and amazing!
    Nice to see everyone represented...happy week to you till the next weekend.
    Love you

  12. You could be in New England with that foliage...stunning photos -all so

  13. Oh, Dawn, how precious is little Raffi?!!! What a darling!! Give him some smooches from me, please!! I just love your photos of autumn in the woods! It is so different from the pine forest in our SoCal mtns. Sending you love and a big hug for the baby, Sherry xoxo
