
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rafael's First Christmas

My favorite thing about our Christmas celebration this year was that, everyone was in perfect harmony with each other. The peace between us was so palpable, and our joy so real. What a blessing!

Ramon cooked most of our delicious feast: two roasted chickens, the annual traditional carrot souffle, mushroom gravy, and two apple pies. I made a beet root, orange, and roasted walnut salad, and my sister in law brought dumplings. I was so proud of Ramon, who only learned how to cook in the past four months, and is astonishingly good at it.

Rafael slept through the all the festivities, which I thought was pretty funny. It was as if he knew it would have all been too much for him. As everyone was putting on their shoes and coats to leave, I heard him rustling in the bedroom and there he was, ready to say a quick hello and goodbye to our guests. It was actually so perfect this way, because I was able to enjoy our meal and gift giving, and we were both stress-free.

The most important thing was that he got to see his great grandmother, and that I got a few photographs of them together. I am glad that he will see them someday, when she is gone, and he doesn't remember.

Once the last person shut the door behind them, our home was still and warm and we let out sighs and relaxed. I put Raffi into some reindeer pajamas and we opened his gifts with him. Holding my chubby little angel, sitting by the twinkling Christmas tree, whispering to him about Santa, unwrapping a little wooden carousel and a vintage race was all such a dream come true.

It was a very special Christmas, indeed. Probably the most special of all.



  1. Oh, yes, children do that to you, make every single holiday special, and you are able to see things differently, it's like you are seeing it through their eyes. I'm glad your Christmas was special, and you got to fully enjoy your first Christmas with your adorable son.

    Best wishes,

  2. What a wonderful post, Dawn!!! Thank you for sharing your very special first Christmas being a mother with all of us!! And how fantastic that Raffi's great-grandma could be there!!! Maybe you can get a 4 generation picture to have to show him when he gets big! (I treasure our 4 generation family pictures!) Happiest of New Years to the whole family!!! Hugs, Sherry xxxx

  3. Love your post Dawn it was nice to see how u celebrated Christmas and to see Raffi he is so cute .

    I,m sure you had a wonderful Christmas

    Mary Chicago IL,

  4. Thank you for taking the time to share this. Love the photo of him looking up at his great grandmother!
    What a very special Christmas for you all.
    Hope you have a wonderful new year.

  5. What a special time! Good that you took lots of pictures!
    Blessings to all of you!

  6. Dear Dawn,
    What a beautiful Christmas with Rafael and the rest of your family.
    A big Christmas hug,

  7. Ooh that magical Christmas Dawn!Your kitchen should be very good.I'm so glad that you and your family have had a nice Christmas.
    A big hug.

  8. Merry belated Christmas Dawn. I loved this post, it was so full of happiness and joy. I'm glad your Christmas was so peaceful and homey and that you were able to take it easy. We were able to keep it pretty low key too as we stayed in Whitehorse and didn't make the long trek home to Ottawa. Thank goodness...I'm not sure how we would've done that with 2 little ones!
    Lots of love to you! xoxo

  9. He looks so cute in his Christmas pjs. Love Christmas jammies, so festive.

    Were things pictures taken with the new camera? Your pictures are always so wonderful, but these are especially great.

    Take care,

  10. So happy that you and Ramon had a dreamy and magical first Christmas as parents to your sweet Rafael.
    Here is to many many more beautiful Christmas celebrations to you and your darling family.
    Love Morwenna
