
Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Walk After The Rain

Everything so fresh and wet with rain. The clouds parted and the sky was suddenly bright and blue. We headed out into the woods and I was so happy to have my camera with me. I've missed going into the deep forest and exploring, looking for bugs and flowers and acorns, and taking photographs of them. When I have Rafael in the stroller, it's not really possible. But when he's in the carrier with his Papa, I have my hands free, and we can walk narrow paths, muddy ways, steep hills. It's such a joy for favorite thing...walking in nature and capturing the beauty I find there.



  1. These are beautiful, Dawn! Hope you'll have more opportunities to wander in your woodland and share little adventures from your country girl's perspective with us :)

  2. Beautiful photos as ever - glad you got a chance to get out and get shooting pictures! :) Simple pleasures xxx

  3. that's you again but with some rich and sweet something added
    ciao mada

  4. What refreshing pictures taken in the woodlands!

  5. HI!!! Dawn How nice to see your forest pictures again is soooo nice . Hope you and Raffi and your husband are having a great weekend. This morning my husband my doggy, and myself went for a walk to our local forest preserve. love to see your post .

    Mary chicago il
