
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Chicken Hunt

Dani told me they finally have chickens on their little farm. She showed me a beautiful green egg that one of her new hens had laid and cooked it for our salad. "They are somewhere on the property," she said, "hiding from the dog." The farm dog had taken an interest in the chickens and pretty much feathered one of them, who then escaped into the woods and had yet to return. The remaining rooster and four hens were, needless to say, a bit wary of the dog, and had taken to hiding out in various places.

After eating a delicious salad and putting Rafael to sleep in the carrier, I made my way out into the hot sun and followed the rooster's crow. 

Not by the gooseberry patch, or in the vegetable garden....there was a little bee on a chive blossom though....

Chickens, chickens, where are you? Not by the plum tree. And the only thing in the coop was a lone green egg.

I finally found them, hiding in the cool dark tool shed. So dark in fact that it was hard to get a photo of them. I'll just have to wait until next week when we visit again and the chicken hunt continues...



  1. This is such a cute post! Wish I was there treading along with you hunting chickens :)
    I love your photographs of the countryside, Dawn. And its lovely to see you making the most of summer.

  2. Oh, I love this post! You take such amazing photos...just like bing there! Glad you found the chickens...& glad they were safe from the dog!!


  3. What a fun hunt!!! I would love to own some chickens, and enjoy fresh eggs everyday. I grew up with dozens of chickens, and would love to chase them, and play with the chicks. So much fun. Hope your next hunt is successful as well.

  4. Hi dawn what a nice post lovely pictures . Hope u and raffi r having a great summer dawn when r u visiting the u.s.a? Any vacation plan this summer ? Hope all is well

    Mary Chicago il

  5. How sweet...thanks for taking me on a little afternoon trip...make sme feel so close.
