
Sunday, October 21, 2012

We've Seen Forests, We've Seen Farms

My mother is visiting, and the past few days together have been beautiful. We've visited forests and farm animals, and I've taken such lovely photos to share with you all! However, as you can imagine, evenings are spent talking for long hours, enjoying this time together, sharing thoughts, dreams, memories. After all, we only see each other once a year. So, blog posts with all of these photos will have to wait a little bit. But I think of you all while I am out and about, thinking how I can't wait to show you all this breath taking autumn splendor. 

The photo above was taken this afternoon, by my mother and I, pushing Rafael in his buggy, walking down a path in Lainzer Park. Just a tiny speck of a taste of the lush beauty we've been basking in these days.

More to come very soon! Thank you for your patience!



  1. Gosh, you have to frame that! Beautiful!

    Enjoy the visit,

  2. I love your blog header - such beauty. And this glimpse of you and your Mom is precious. Soak up all the love while you can to save for a rainy day :-) Aren't you glad there is Skype and other technology? but still, it can't replace having face to face time - God bless you all.

  3. It must be really hard seeing your mother once a yera...Enjoy the precious moments with her...
    Lovely photo

  4. Lovely photo - enjoy your time with your mother.

  5. Enjoy this very special time! It will pass too quickly, I'm sure.

  6. what a beautiful photo for you to cherish! I thought your mama might be there with you when I saw some picture on Facebook. How lovely! Enjoy your time together. I wish I could visit with my mom :O)

  7. Gives me goosebumps! It is so beautiful! xxx Can't wait to see the others...

  8. Gorgeous! Nothing like time with the mama, expecially when the two of you live so far apart. Enjoy these precious moments...I know you do. Can't wait to see the beauty you were talking about. Until then...

  9. fantastic! enjoy the visit and the beautiful views.

  10. I'm so happy your mom is there for a visit---she must find it difficult to be so far apart, especially when darling Raffi is changing so very quickly. Enjoy this special time; we will all wait with you in our thoughts...

  11. That is such a lovely picture. So happy for you that you have your mom there with you and she can she cuddle her beautiful grandson and visit and hug her daughter. It must be so hard to be apart but you can "party" when she arrives for her annual visit. I agree, that picture should be framed. Wishing I had a picture that wonderful of my mom and I but technology just wasn't there, at least not for us. Can't wait to see all your pictures. I know they will be fantastic. No hurry, enjoy your time with your mom, it is precious.
