
Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Playgroup In the Woods

The fort pictured here is something I built together with Rafael, his cousins, and his grandma and grandpa the past couple of weeks. We would stop there on our walks in the woods to eat little picnics, always adding more sticks and leaves. We were there so often that a little path formed leading up to it.

While sitting there with Rafael and his best friend Flo the other day, I thought of how nice it would be to share this spot, and the experience of playing in the woods, with other children. I quickly created a website, set a date, and invited all the local mothers I know. And on Tuesday, a freezing cold autumn day with blue skies, 18 of us gathered in the forest to play. 

This will be a weekly meet-up, year round, rain or shine. I am so happy that I went ahead and quickly organized this....usually I weigh the pros and cons about things for ages before taking action. This time, I just figured I have nothing to lose. 

I have many ideas for things I would like to try out in the future; games, snacks, rituals. 

But the kids were really happy just being out in the elements, and having a little tree fort as their base. 

It's definitely fall here. Freezing cold temperatures (we had our first frost this morning) and leaves turning yellow and red. I am craving baked goods, soups, roasts, and frothy hot chocolate. You too?



  1. Okay--you get the cool mom award! I love the fort and your plans for the children in the future. We are have a warm spell this week in VA--Thanks for sharing and enjoy your fort with Rafael! ♥
    Martha Ellen

  2. Oh, this is so amazing! And...your posts sound so hopeful and happy lately. Hope all is well. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us!

  3. What a gift you are giving those children, Dawn! An appreciation of nature is so very important! Enjoy!

  4. Liebe Dawn,
    eine Waldgruppe - so eine wunderbare Idee!

    Ich bin ganz begeistert von eurem Fort, deinen Fotos und deinem supersüßen Sohn. Außerdem schreibst du so toll auf Deutsch, dass ich dir jetzt einfach mal einen deutschen Kommentar hinterlasse :).

    Ich bin so gerne hier zu Besuch.

    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,

  5. That black and white mushroom is so lovely! Wonder what kind ti is. The spider gave me a chilly spine, UGH!
    There are activities you could do with the kids:

  6. How satisfied you must feel, Dawn, to have followed through so quickly on your 'fort' idea, and to have had such a good response! The photos, as usual, are lovely and you can tell everyone is having a grand time. It reminds me a bit of teaching, when something you do in the classroom sparks another creative idea to follow through with. Thanks for sharing!
    xxxJudy in So. CAL

  7. This is such a great idea! My two grandsons go to 'Forest School' in a local woodland once a week and they absolutely love it. They learn so much about nature and also outdoor skills such as whittling wood and cooking over a campfire. Hope your little group is a real success.
