
Friday, October 18, 2013


There was a time when I led a long-distance relationship with my now-husband. Back then, he would take a seven-hour train ride from Vienna to Frankfurt to visit me, and as we ran to each other at the train station, showering each other with kisses, I was at once happy and terribly sad, because I knew we would be back at the train station in a few days, saying goodbye. 

In autumn, I am revisited by that very same feeling. I can never simply enjoy the glowing hillsides...the way the sky fills with papery leaves when there is a gust of wind...the purples and crimsons and bright yellows...or the fallen leaves outlined with delicate frost. Because, while I am gulping in all of the breathtaking beauty, I am also aching, knowing this will all be gone so soon. 

Today I thought: I can't keep you, autumn...but I can hold you in my heart. And I picked the prettiest red and yellow leaves to press between book pages. A small way of preserving my most favorite season.



  1. Lovely images of Autumn, Dawn. For such a special season, it is over with much too quickly. It is good for us to make the most of each day we have! xo

  2. Gorgeous! Autumn is the best!!
    (I so wish I had even a small morsel of the talent that you do. Your photos almost seem surreal. They move beyond the object and capture the spirit of whatever you are photographing. It's incredible.)


  3. How romantic to think of you running to your husband in the train station, and your photos capture autumn's charms.

  4. What a beautiful analogy!!!!!!!!!!! Your photographs are so lovely and intricate. I enjoy them so much!! And darling!

  5. As autumn approaches I row against it, keeping my face towards the last signs of summer in my orto and all around, then there is a little time I'm captured by autumn colors and fruits such as grapes, cachi, berries, hazelnuts, short after that I must start planting something that will bloom in spring to be able to wait for them all the time I'm forced to stay inside taking care of the ordinary home duties. Buon autunno to you all ! Mada

  6. Raffi is growing so fast! I also love autumn and it is way too fleeting. On my blog I have done a couple posts of the wonderful colors and scenes. Tomorrow another exploration! Those mushrooms are so cool.

  7. sigh! the most beautiful images Dawn. You've captured so much beauty... I hope you'll print some of these off and place them around your home to remind you of the beauty. I love the image with the church in the distance that is in focus, with the out of focus leaves in the foreground framing the church... so beautiful. Oh and the mushroom pictures! Have you ever eaten wild mushrooms? The red one is beautiful~poisonous I'm sure. Gorgeous my friend,!

  8. I have been reading your blog now for some time. I am an Austrian Woman who lives now for already for 40 years in the US. Following your writing and photos make me feel close to home which I still miss and often wish to not have left. I am so happy to know that you love my country and all around seem to have a positive experience. Enjoy your sweet little boy and keep taking him into the woods. I will never forget the time I spent with my Mom or Dad hiking in Nature. Wishing you and your Family the best.

  9. I know exactly how you feel ... I feel the same way about Autumn & I love your 'sentiment'. We have a large Canadian Maple tree in our garden & pressing leaves is a tradition we've been doing for 24 years {now with my grandson which is so special} This year, I will take one of the leaves he's chosen and frame/date it to remember this Autumn ♥
    have a wonderful Autumn weekend Dawn. Your photos are stunning ~ I spotted so many little hidden heart shapes xo

  10. Oh Dawn, the mushrooms are SO MAGICAL!!!

  11. What a lovely sweet! xxx
