
Friday, February 26, 2010

11 Years of Blessed Love

Thank you, Universe, for these 11 years of love, dedication, and friendship!
The photograph above is from the first summer of love that Ramon and I shared.
We could have only guessed and hoped back then that we would be together for a long, long time.
I lived in America, he lived in Austria.
We were oceans apart.
But here we are, eleven years later, living in our home of comfort and laughter, with our playful cavalier Kiki, and parents to our dear angel baby Blueberry in heaven.
So many things have happened, we've learned and changed and grown.
I love who I am in the eyes of my husband.
And of course, I love him!
Happy 11th Anniversary, Sweet Husband!

Brittan Butterfly, you are the lucky winner of the four leaf clover!

xo country girl


  1. happy 11 years Dawn and Ramon. I am kind of curious to know, is Austria Ramon's home country? How did you guys meet? Maybe these are questions that you'll answer in another post.
    Thinking of you on this special day.
    That photo of your two is just so sweet.

  2. Congregations darling Dawn and Ramon, may you be blessed for many years to come. I love the old photograph, you both look as beautiful and in love as you do now.
    I hope you have fun celebrating these 11 glorious years
    Lots of love
    Morwenna xoxo

  3. wow- 11 years! congratulations!!! that's so wonderful. happy anniversary Dawn & Ramon!!

    :) Cheers to the two of you on this special day!!!!

  4. Ramon was born and raised in the small Austrian town where we live now. My parents come from Austria and were best friends with his fact, our fathers were in a band together for many years. When my parents got pregnant, they decided to move to America. But we visited Ramon's family once in a while, so I've known Ramon all my life. When I was 18, 11 years ago, we came to visit, and that's when sparks flew! First we had a long distance relationship, but eventually he was able to convince me to join him in Austria.
    The story is of course much more complicated than that, but that's the short version! LOL
    For a few memories, go to this link:

  5. Beautiful, beautiful! So many congratulations to you both! I LOVE love! It truly makes the world go round, and everything so much easier! Thanks too for your sweet comment on my latest post - I didn't know how honest to be, but I think (like you I suspect) that there's no point in it unless you reveal at least something of your true self. And if you let people in, they seldom let you down I find. Enjoy your special, special day. With much love, Rachel xoxo

  6. Happy 11th Anniversary! May many more blessings come your way!

  7. Happy Anniversary! A love story, I love them. Enchanting.

    Congratulations to Brittan Butterfly on willing the four leaf clover!

  8. Just read the additional bit you wrote - that is a lovely love story - you were fated for one another...this is like something out of Disney! Love it! Happy Anniversary! xxx

  9. how sweet. congratulations!

  10. Aww, congratulations! I'm very happy for you♥

    P.S.- I started following you on Twitter! My name there is Twofortyfive :)

  11. happy anniversary to you two love birds :) what an amazing feeling to share such a life with the one you love! here is to many years of happiness to come


  12. Congratulations on your 11 years of marriage! You two are destined to be together aren't you? Love the photo...true love:)

    Have a beautiful day!!

    xoxo Gert

  13. Hello my sweet friends...what a lovely photograph....CONGRATULATIONS !

    You were clearly meant for each other.....enjoyed reading how you're a very special couple....

    sending love....


  14. I loved this. Brought a tear to my eye. Aren't we fortunate to have husbands we love, love, love, and respect and appreciate.

    Sending all joys to you two.

    Celebrate life,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  15. This made me tear up, Dawn. Happy 11th Anniversary to both of you. Sending love and hugs your way! (And OMG you are both gorgeous!!)

  16. Happy 11 Years to you!!...and many more!

  17. Oh, Dawn, what a gorgeous post (words and photo), and I loved reading that little bit of your story in the comments. How beautiful that you've always known each other--truly soul mates.

    Happy Anniversary to you and Ramon! Eleven years is a magical thing to celebrate.

    Big hugs,

  18. happy anniversary! how beautiful!

  19. Congratulations! Eleven years together is a long time, especially being so young. You have so many shared memories, yet still have a whole life ahead together. Most people don't get to experience that.

    Congratulations again,

  20. Congratulations beautiful ones, your love is an inspiration. I hope you had a wonderful celebration together, and I hope you have many many more lovely years to come.
    I LOVE love.
    ♥ lori

  21. Happy Anniversary! May your lives as one be filled with joy and blessings. :-)
