
Friday, April 23, 2010

green blessings!

I took these pictures on a sunny morning; it was my first walk in the woods since spring has begun. I usually walk on the open just feels safer to be able to see long distances in every direction. But this time, curiosity got the best of me, and I just had to see what was growing in the forest. 
This walk, and all the beauty I found while on it, renewed my deep gratitude about living where I do, and having Kiki as my companion. When you are walking down a path lined with wild wood anemone and violets, with the gentle spring sunlight shining through tender new leaves, how can you not feel amazingly blessed?

Tree stumps frothy with oxalis blossoms....bird song....Kiki exploring every bit of moss and mud with me. Glorious!
This was just one of the days I wanted to share with you...more to come!

Love to all of you...hope you are enjoying the weekend.

xoxo country girl 

p.s. here are the best pics i could manage of mr. chaffinch!
on the water cooler, giving his own reflection the evil eye
and eating loads of oats and hemp seeds...fighting your own reflection apparantly builds a healthy appetite!


  1. Such cute kiki pics.. in such an incredible setting! Those flowers she's peeking her face in kinda remind me of flower in Bambi.
    :) Lara

  2. thank you for sharing your beautiful walk
    with us.

    i always feel better after visiting here!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! My walks have been my solace this week too. :-)

  4. What lovely surroundings you live in. It must bring sunshine to your life to be so free to walk safely through the woods with Kiki. I envy you(in a good way) being able let Kiki run free with no lead through the woods and go exploring. No traffic! That is any Cavalier Spaniel and Cavalier owners' dream. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing.

  5. What a wonderful place you live in, to walk there must be such a treat!

  6. You do live in a beautiful place. And Kiki is way too cute!

  7. wow - what a magical forest you have. How lucky. Walking in there would clear my head and brighten the spirits. I have one little violet under the cherry tree - I love it.

  8. Gorgeous vivid pictures. The forest where you wander enchants me.

  9. hi kiki! hi kiki's mama! lol
    such lovely photos.

  10. Oh your pictures are amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us! Kiki is so sweet!!!


    xoxo Gert

  11. I've been slacking in my bloggish neighborliness as school has been more than hectic. Now that I'm back in the swing again, I wanted to stop in and say hello. Happy spring!

  12. This post really has put me in what my mother calls a 'creative mode'. I can't wait to get out into the fresh air and take some nature pictures of my own! Thanks once again for the inspiration.

  13. are back...did you move the cooler to stop the aggravation of mr finch toward his reflection?
    Two male finches with bright yellow bellies died at my place breaking their necks attacking their own reflection in the was heartbreaking to see their girlfriends/mates come look for them, seeing them lay there dead.

  14. Hello...I am new to your blog (discovered it through The Farmhouse Kitchen). Your photographs are beautiful as is Kiki. Went back a few posts...hope all is well with your family. If you can love yourself, you can deal with those "insults"....let them roll off your back. You sound like a very sensible person!

  15. Such gorgeous photos as usual Dawn...truly! xxx
