
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boston Is Finally Home

Boston is here! 

It's been an emotional and exciting 2 and a 1/2 days so far. Boston is very needy and cries if he doesn't see me, and must be held and carried alot. Kiki was very reserved and even growled at him when he tried approaching her the first day, but slowly she is warming to him. Today she actually wagged her tail at him and sniffed his eyes. I can feel that this is going to be a loving, harmonious, fun just needs a little time to get there.

Joyful experiences have been how quickly Boston learned his name; waking up to his adorable face looking at me in the morning; watching him run clumsily through the clover; and feeling how he needs me, and being able to fulfill that need. He can be very playful at times, and loves to chase a ball or chew on his stuffed duck.

Here are some images of Boston's first days with us. 

I am holding his soft tiny body as I type...he likes being held with his stomach against my breast and his head looking back over my shoulder. This is how he feels safest.

I will write more soon, and post more pics!

Wishing you all a lovely day,

xoxo country girl 

P.S. The sweet and talented Johanna of Birds On A Wire made an amazing little illustration of me and Kiki! See it by clicking HERE. Thank you, Johanna!


  1. OOOH how sweet sweet sweet Dawn! He looks like a beanie baby, those huge eyes! I know very well that it's not all easy with a tiny puppy, but the good times start to outweigh the anxiety soon don't they? You're his new Mummy now. Gorgeous, congratulations to you, Ramon & Kiki from Alice & Me xoxo

  2. Happy to hear you are all doing well. Looking at the pictures I can see Boston is settling in very nicely. He is one lucky little puppy to have such a loving family. Makes me smile every time I look him and can't wait to see more pictures. Best to you all..xxoo

  3. so completely adorable!!!! my heart just melted

  4. oh my goodness what a cute pile of furry love!!! awww can't wait to see more from this little guy!

  5. ...sweet images!...darling little puppy!

  6. Awww, such a gorgeous little boy and great photos too Dawn! So glad Kiki and Boston look like they are going to be friends!

  7. He's sweet and adorable! If you ever have trouble with him sleeping during the night, slip a wind up alarm clock in bed with him, they say the ticking reminds them of their time in the womb and comforts them. Such a blessing!

  8. Oh he is truly adorable...I love the photos - especially with you in too! I'm so thrilled for you! He is such a sweetie! xxx PS Session with Robert tomorrow!!! :) Excited!

  9. So glad that you like the picture. Yes I will most certainly make you are print and send it your way!
    Boston is absolutely adorable Dawn, you must just want to cuddle him all day long. Good luck in the coming days as he settles into his new family. xoxo

  10. He is just PERFECT!!! Such beautiful symmetry on his little face. I just LOVE the pictures of Boston in the clover. You are going to have the best time with your two adorable Cavaliers. Enjoy!

  11. oh dawn...that's what we call a "lamb of love" over here..what a little doll...he is SO DARLING...melts my heart...i know how much happiness he will bring teddy has for me. i can't imagine my life without my sweet little boy...i was so worried about bringing him home..will he be safe...will my kittys be o.k...will he fall down the stairs...but everything just worked out fine...i guess it just does...

    CONGRATULATIONS...he is adorable..can't wait to see more..and i saw the DARLING illustration on your FB. i wondered who it she ever talented...that is the cutest most talented drawing i have ever she has THE GIFT.

    sending love to you
    kary and teddy

  12. oh! he is the absolute most enchanting
    puppy ever!!

    i am so happy for you.

  13. Oh my, Dawn, he's divine. Just perfect. Yes, happiness is warm puppy! Congrats!!!

  14. oh my goodness, he's adorable!!

  15. Beautiful photos of a gorgeous puppy… don’t they make your heart melt!

  16. Soooooo sweet! I would love a little snuggle with him. xoxo

  17. He's precious, Dawn! The photos are beautiful and his name could not be more perfect. Congratulations!

    My God is he CUTE~
    Whats so funny is that the coloring of where eyebrows would be looks like he's got a really stern's funny, because he is such a cute puppy.
    Can't wait to see you all again!

  19. oh..and the photo of him in front and you in the background is out of this world super cool!

  20. oh dawn! your new little sweetie is too cute for words! i love puppies....i love there skunky breath & soft tummies and holding them when they sleep...i could do it for hours {and have!}

  21. he is just the cutest. my son saw the pics and said he wants that dog. he would even trade our dog mellow :)

  22. How wonderful to have a new addition to the family! He will be loved by all of you including Kiki:)
    It is also great that he was vaccinated whilst he was still with the breeder so you are able to take him out immediately. Poppy is very small and our breeder doesn't like to vaccinate when they are so tiny, so we had to wait for three weeks for the vaccines to be effective before we could take her walking.
    Morwenna xo

  23. Ahh love all the new pics and esp darling pooches, Boston snuggled among the adorable bedding. He could be a Ralph Lauren model. I don't envy you the packing but I'd kill to go order a kitchen, but maybe that's because i'm double 30 plus 1.
