
Friday, October 29, 2010

Golden Moments

The forests in these parts are mainly silver birch, which turn the most delicious caramel in fall. Right now the woods are absolutely magical. Leaves trickle down on shafts of light and form a thick carpet of camel, tan, and gold. The dogs chase eachother, kicking up clouds of papery leaves, while I slowly crunch down the path, soaking in all the beauty. 

As you all know, we moved last Friday to our new home. It was a very chaotic time, and I was on the verge of an awful cold. On Saturday we did alot of unpacking, but on Sunday I was too sick, and spent the day in bed with a fever. On Monday I was already feeling a little better, and by now I am doing quite well. (Unfortunately I passed the cold onto Ramon, so I'll be pampering him over the 3-day weekend. Soup, bubble baths, and lots of liquids!)

Bit by bit this place is becoming a home. It actually already feels like our home, just doesn't quite look like it yet! Still lots of things in boxes. The kitchen is almost complete, the wall just needs tiles. Once everything is in place I promise to share photos. I consider myself an honest person, but the honesty of pictures of this place in it's current state is where I draw the line!

Today we got cable and internet up, so I can finally say HELLO! :) I've missed you, and am looking forward to taking the time to visit you all and see what you've been up to while I was 'gone.' It felt really odd not being able to go online, which I quickly realized is the place where I connect with so many people I consider to be friends, and whose lives I enjoy following. Is that strange? 

I hope you've been enjoying these gorgeous, golden days of late October!


xoxo country girl



  1. those are beautiful pictures!!! especially that last one - really stunning......I enjoy reading your writing...

    have a wonderful weekend.
    anne marie

  2. Darling dawn, that little Boston is growing so fast!! So happy you're in your new home & getting settled. Hope Ramon feels better very for a wonderful weekend xox Rachel

  3. What gorgeous pictures; Boston is getting so big! :) Hope Ramon feels better soon! ♥

  4. Gorgeous photos, I'd love to see it one day! So happy to see you post, and glad to hear your feeling better, hope your hubby does too soon!

  5. Glad to hear you are feeling better, we missed you! Can't wait to see the new home!

  6. Happy you are moved in and feeling better and soon hopefully your better half. The pups blend in so well with the colors this time of year. They are cute!

  7. Oh my gosh is sooo good to have you back on line! I have missed you so much and these pictures are amazing!! I can't believe how big Boston is..gosh he is almost as big as Kiki! Sure looks like they are enjoying their Sorry you and Ramon got sick and hope he will be up and better soon.

    xoxo Gert

  8. Oh, your woods are sooo lovely! I'm glad you are feeling better, but am very sorry Ramon caught it! Your puppies are so darling!! Can't wait to see your decorating in your new home! Love, Sherry

  9. Very glad to hear that you have settled in well. Thank you for the beautiful pictures, we don't have Autumn here (even if we did it would be in six months or so!) It's great to see the leaves and the adorable dogs!

  10. Wow Dawn, that last photo is beautiful - what amazing light! Sorry you've both been ill, especially with all that unpacking to do. Kiki and Boston look like they really enjoyed racing through the autumn leaves!

  11. Glad to hear you are settling in. Can't wait to see pictures and love these new ones of the dogs in the woods. Taken a ton of photos since I have been here in New England but looking through them I realise I need to work on the smaller details - like you do at times. Be sure to take a quick peek at my latest post - Halloween dog costume competition - quite funny - you might like it! :) xxx

  12. hope you're both better by now; glad to hear you're turning your new house into a home.

  13. Beautiful images...

  14. Thanks for the follow. Lovely blog!
    What pretty dogs. KCspaniels were always my sister's fav. So pretty there!

  15. Welcome home. Happy housewarming!

  16. I've just discovered your beautiful blog, and so glad I did.

    These pictures are just stunning. Fall is my favourite time of year, and the magic of it never fails to inspire me... such beautiful colours and the feeling of nesting and getting ready to 'hibernate' for Winter whilst I re-energise and get ready to 'burst out' for Spring!

    Your new home looks like it will be wonderful, the kitchen pics in your post below are just gorgeous.

    I hope you are both feeling better, and are enjoying the happy time of settling in to your new and delightful home.

    Linda. xxx

  17. checking in to see how the move is going...little Boston is so adorable..and kiki looks happy too...oh, dawn..those trees...beautiful...

    looking forward to pictures of the new HOME...

    sending love to you all,
    kary and teddy
