
Sunday, December 5, 2010


It's most certainly winter here now. Deep, powdery snow, and trees frozen white. The dogs leap and roll in snow drifts and come home with icy balls hanging from their fur. Home is fragrant and warm, quiet and cozy. When it gets dark around 4 pm I light candles, and being warm inside while looking through the window at the icy world outside makes me feel so safe and comfortable. 

We are still changing things here and there, so I'm not showing photos of the whole apartment just yet. You can expect more festive pictures around Christmas. But here, as promised, are a few impressions of our new home:

This is my Kiki La Ru studio! 

I'm so happy to have an entire room dedicated to crafting, painting, writing, and creative inspiration. I took this picture sitting on the plump white sofa I work from. On the work table, which is actually a coffee table, you see some half-finished cake buntings, fabric containers full of supplies (find your own handmade fabric container by looking here), my calendar and iphone, and glass of water (well, it had water in it). 

Since I have to much stuff that I need, from stickers to bubble wrap to envelopes to rubber stamps, I decided to use this white dresser from Ikea, which has plenty of drawers. The file cabinet to the right is also from Ikea. 

I strung up a thin length of ribbon along the bottom of the shelves and used tiny clothing pins to hang vintage stencil lettering, ephemera, photos, and a fabric hoop. These will change seasonally.

Here you can see the antique piece we sanded and glazed and are using as a linen closet. The doors are having their glass replaced, so it's open for now. I thought the top was the perfect spot for family photographs and flowers. To the right you see the antique kitchen bench, with a seat that opens and is perfect for storing wrapping paper and candles, which we also sanded and painted white. It's in the hallway, for putting on and taking off shoes. Accross from the linen closet (not visible in this picture) are the WC and pantry. To the left, the entryway to the open kitchen/dining room/living room. 

The royal Doglets. 

The photographs I took of the kitchen itself mysteriously turned out too dark, so I am going to take new ones asap. But this fridge is worthy of it's own picture, don't you think? And I'm very proud of the contents. Do you see all those fruits and greens?

Visitors have said they think it's a beautiful home, but that it's still missing that personal energy that comes from having lived in a place for a long time. I understand where they are coming from, and agree that it will naturally grow warmer and more inviting with time, but personally, I'm also enjoying the newness and lack of clutter, and am especially looking forward to dressing this space up for Christmas! Oh yes, there will be many photos to share then. :)

I miss you all and think about blogging every day. Now that life has slowed down to a pace where there is time for leisure, I hope to blog much more regularly.

Enjoy your Sunday, friends!

xoxo country girl


  1. Hi Dawn! Beautiful new home - it looks like a magazine shoot! I love everything, particularly your studio. Great to hear from you - hope you got my little card. The doggies look right at home! Just gorgeous. Love to you, you've been missed!! xoxo Rachel

  2. I have been hoping for a new post! What a lovely Sunday treat. Glad to see your new nest is coming along so nicely. Take care~

  3. Wow Dawn, your new home looks amazing! I love the painting of the foxes, and Kiki and Boston seem to have found their favourite chair already.
    Have a great Christmas!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  5. I LOVE my craft room so I know how you feel, and your's is just lovely! I've never been a fan of white, all my walls are painted some color or two but you do pull it off nicely! I can't wait to see more!

  6. everything looks so lovely!! such a beautiful, clean space...and yes the fridge is definitely worth it's own picture :)

  7. Dearest Dawn,
    Everything is as beautiful as I knew it would be :) I am in love with your fridge, I would love one that big! I didn't know that you can buy Innocent smoothies in Austria, but I am glad that you can as they are delish and I am actually drinking a glass of mango and passionfurit right now!
    Your linen closet and kitchen bench are also lovely, as are the pooches!
    Cannot wait to see more
    Lots of love

  8. happy december dawn! such a treat to see a part of your new home & every day. What a gorgeous excited to see more! :) ><>

  9. I love what I have seen so far. I think it is a perfect place to call home. xo

  10. Love it all, no wonder you had no time to blog. Refinishing furniture, setting up a wonderful craft room. It's all just beautiful. Your frig so big and spacious. Yes,noticed all great healthy looking food. Kiki and Boston look so at home with each other, so nice to see that.
    Looking forward to seeing more and a BIG Welcome Back! We missed you!

  11. I like your blog and the pictures are just amazing.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry for my goof!
    We all have missed you and it is so nice to have you blogging and tweeting again!! Your home looks so beautiful!! Please give your darling puppies big hugs from me! Love, Sherry

  14. Ah Dawn, it's beautiful, as I knew it would be! Enjoy it to the full. I'm going to borrow your ribbon & clothespins idea. I have just the shelf and it's such a wonderful idea!
