
Thursday, December 16, 2010

deep winter

We've been blessed with more snow days! And blue skies, too, which makes everything sparkle and glisten.

At home I've been decorating for the holidays. Keeping it simple.

I've closed my etsy shop until January 10th and Ramon has his last day of work tomorrow. We are really looking forward to restful winter days: relaxing, baking, painting, watching movies, discussing movies, walking in the forest, and taking naps. And eating lots of good food, of course.

I have been longing to get back to my watercolors lately. So many things I want to paint (feathers, acorns, plants, birds). And I have a load of old books on their way to me. One of them already arrived: Sweet Land, by Lewis Gannett. It's 'the story of a month's holiday exploring America by car' in 1934. A vintage road trip? Can't wait!

Winter may not be bursting with color, and yes, it's a pain putting on and taking off all those layers. But there is something so good about winter. It's a quiet time, a contemplative time. And since it will be here for a while, I think I'll try to enjoy the good things about it.

xoxo country girl


  1. Lovely post sweetie. Your sofa looks delicious and very cosy and your tree is beautifully bronzed.
    I know that you and Ramon will have a splendid Christmas break together being cosy in your new nest with your doglets.
    Love Morwenna

  2. I love the new sofa!

    And the church....

    and the new book...

    and your plan of pulling yourself away from stressors and normal obligations! We were built for those times, weren't we? I wish American culture recognized the need for periodically "shutting down" a little more.

  3. Love your pictures, sweet, white and calm--and bright! And thanks for the link to the vintage road trip. I just ordered it too. Happy reading!

  4. a beautiful post and beautiful thoughts...restful is exactly what winter should be.
    I love the pictures of your home - it seems very peaceful and calm...and gorgeous! Hope you are enjoying it.
    Happy Holidays!

  5. Your photos are so elegantly beautiful! The new home is calm, serene, and so lovely! Wishing you and Ramon a wonderful Christmas. With much love, Sherry

  6. You're a tonic for me, Dawn. I often find winter challenging, at best, but when I see it through your eyes, I'm inspired to look at it in a new way. And, of course, your always awesome photographs make winter look absolutely delightful!

  7. I love the tree, what kind is it? And I love the way you see winter, more of us need to welcome winter!

  8. Some of the photos would make excellent subjects for paintings!! I love photography as well!

  9. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing them, as where I live ice only exists in the freezer. ;o)


  10. Each photo is just amazing! Really love your first forest scene. And well Cavaliers just always melt my heart!

  11. Your first photo has the look of majesty of a cathedral. It's like an outdoor cathedral.
    I love too your little cookies with such delicate icing.
    Thank you for your beautiful blog. It has made me more aware of the beauty all around me.
    Keep warm with your husband and little friends.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
