
Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Adventures

When the clock 'springs forward' and there is more light to the day, it just feels right to throw on sneakers and rush out into the woods where there is so much to see, hear, and smell. The dogs feel the same way. They've been so cheerful lately! They go flying down the road, stopping only to drink from puddles or sniff at something particularly interesting. And since it's gotten warmer, they head straight for the creek, whose banks are now covered with bright green sprouts of wild garlic.

The frogs have already layed their eggs in murky waters and the first bushes and trees are covered in flowers. Now the time of year has begun when we take a second walk in the early evenings, and those night strolls are spiced with the scent of rain and blossoms. So many things to be grateful for!

xoxo country girl


  1. Oh how wonderful to see your photos do such an amazing job...describing it all and making us feel like we are right there with you and Kiki and Boston!!! I'm loving it...

    How you are doing well and having a blessed day!

    xoxo Gert

  2. Lovely Dawn - we both had the same idea for posts didn't we?? But it's so hard to write about anything else when the Spring is all around us. Beautiful. Love to you xoxox R

  3. Rachel, I'll have to go have a look at yours now! :)

  4. Oh Dawn this post is divine, it has just made my heart sing with joy! I am reading this at work with only 20 minutes until home time and I couldn't be wanting to dash home and take Poppy for a walk more than I do now.
    It is my mission to find wild garlic this spring and tonight is as good as any to begin my search along the riverbank.
    You are so right, there is so much to be grateful for.
    Love Morwenna xoxo

  5. What a lovely post, Dawn! Look at all your little green shoots popping up all over!! The puppies look like they are having the time of their lives! Still snow in the mtns here...haven't been up to see the little daffodils. Nature put them "on hold"! Ha! Have a wonderful day!! Love, Sherry xx

  6. Oh such sweet photos! I am so ready for Spring!!

  7. lovely.... look at Kiki and darling together...

    teddy and i send SPRING LOVE


  8. Oh my goodness, what a great post Dawn. Lovely to see Kiki and Boston back again! Enjoy spring!!
