
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Days

With Spring blossoming and bursting from every corner, the world turning green and lush, how can we not be grateful and feel incredibly blessed that Nature keeps her promise?

Today it's raining, so I've been indoors with the doggies, cleaning and re-organizing like a mad-woman (I think I have a serious case of Nesting Syndrom). But as you can see from the photos, it's mostly been incredibly beautiful, with blue skies and trees foaming green and white.

I had a meeting with our midwife on Monday, and expressed to her my concerns about my (huge) belly; people have been making all sorts of comments, including the typical "are you sure there aren't two babies in there?" She reassured me that I have nothing to worry about as long as I feel fine (I do) and the baby is alright (I hope it is....and I believe it is). She told me I'm carrying high, and that I am probably going to stay this size for a while before experiencing another 'growth spurt.' She said that at this stage it's not an indication of how large the baby is, but rather if your uterus is more to the front or the back, low or high. Apparently I have a high uterus all the way to the front!

We've purchased the first few tiny onesies in neutral colors, and a cuddly receiving blanket. There is so much to do before the baby arrives in September, just thinking about it makes my heart race! All in due time...

As for boy or girl...we are hoping hoping hoping that our baby will cooperate and reveal itself at the ultrasound next Wednesday. We'll be so happy to be able to say 'he' or 'she' instead of 'it.'

Thank you all for your supportive comments on my little video interview! It wasn't easy to get in front of the camera like that, knowing my face is pale from winter and round from pregnancy. Hopefully Kiki stole the show! :)

Love to you all!

xoxo country girl


  1. it's a girl, I'm sure! x

  2. Looking good hun! My friend is very big right now with her bump so know all about that. It is incredible! So exciting to see you going through this and sharing it with you! xxx

  3. How beautiful you look Dawn, a true Spring Goddess! Looking forward to next week & hopefully finding out...but so glad you're well and blooming whatever! Love to you sweetie xoxo

  4. Hi hun! You're looking great!

  5. Just found your blog through a blogroll - and love your pictures, have to hide them from my daughter as she would like to get a sister or brother of Kiki :-)
    Don't worry about people talking about bumps, about babies, about... If your baby has no hair they will sa, what a sweet boy, if you dress her or him in "colour-codes" like warm colours they will say what a sweet girl. It is great that you are feeling fine! And that the baby is fine, that is all that counts.
    My daughter used ot hide at the ultraschall the whole time through, she still has a good sense of humour :-)

  6. Dawn, you look absolutely great! A breautiful, happy, pregnant woman!

  7. happy to see you look HAPPY and 2 are going to be THE BEST mommy and daddy !!!!

    i am having so much FUN watching all of this...from far, far away...and sending LOVE

    kary and teddy

  8. Dearest Dawn, how wonderful you look and the puppies and your beautiful forest in spring!!! Life coming forth everywhere : ) Snow's melted at the cabin so I hope to make it up there this weekend. Hoping I didn't miss all the daffodils...I know the tulips will be later. Sending love and a big hug, Sherry xx

  9. You look great! I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios it's extra amniotic fluid...generally it's honestly nothing. Most doctors say that it's better to have too much rather than not enough but my belly looked extra big. When you go for your ultrasound next week ask them how much you have. Generally anything more than 24 is too much. It resulted in me getting lots of ultrasounds which made me happy :)

  10. Oh how exciting! I have a prenatal today and get to hear the heartbeat (most beautiful sound ever), then our ultrasound (20wk) is next Tuesday but we aren't finding out. I am trying to figure out how to purchase for baby when the sex is unknown :s You look beautiful. Can't wait to read your next update and the baby.
    All the best!

  11. Hello Kiki's mom!

    We're so excited.... wow, you're expecting!! :) :) You look so healthy, happy and beautiful. We don't think you need to worry about your tummy. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful pictures. Your family photo will look like ours, mom, dad, two cavaliers (Blenheim & Tri) and a human baby.

    All the best!

    Momo, Pinot and mom

  12. You look beautiful! I'm excited to hear whether you're expecting a boy or a girl.

    The blossoms on the trees are beautiful. Our lilac tree is finally sprouting buds and our day lilies are popping up, but snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. I'm so jealous of your beautiful spring!

  13. Hello Dawn!! You look just gorgeous sweetie---it's a time of taking care of yourself, eating well, and enjoying the growth inside of you---it's a blossom....and it's a miracle and don't worry about what others say; enjoy every single minute of it!! When your baby is born, there will be so many changes in your life. Now, your baby travels with you everywhere and there are no diapers to change, no feedings, no sitter needed. It's a special time and you and your husband and your darling dogs should just have a time of it!! I feel privileged to see some of your pictures and share in your joy!!

    Happy Spring.....
    Joann in CO

  14. I love your opening line about how nature keep's her promise. How lovely! Almost as lovely as you look in your picture.



  15. I am sure it is a girl! You look so amazingly beautiful! :) <3

  16. It is so exciting to see you as your pregnancy progresses. We get to share in the joy!:)

    So happy for you!


  17. The last picture of your tri is beautiful :) And also, from a student midwife - don't worry! You look lovely.

  18. look at your sweet baby budge. so very sweet. i'm glad you are doing well.

  19. Oh my dear look so beautiful! Healthy, happy & full of life! Can't wait to hear about your ultra sound!! Just heard this week our Great grandbaby is to be a girl!!!! Love all your pictures what a lovely place you live in!!

    xoxo Gert

  20. You are positively glowing! Happy Spring dear friend! xo

  21. Dear Dawn,
    You look absolutely beautiful. You're a radiant mother-to-be. xoxo
    Hugs, Trina

  22. Hi Dawn!
    I received my Gift of Jewels card from you yesterday! Thank you so much! You have a wonderful blog; it is so great to meet you. You look beautiful and congratulations!
