
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life is Many Days Filled with Small Things

"Life is not, after all, made up of grand moments, grand gestures, glorious achievements. Life is made up of many days filled with small things. Shopping, going to the post office, using the telephone, keeping house-these make up the chief sum of our days. And to me, it seems infinitely greater to make all the people one sees feel a little happier for it than to paint a masterpiece or be in bright lights on Broadway. After we are all gone down the river of time, the simple kindness of those who fulfill their daily tasks graciously will overbalance any special feat."

-Gladys Taber, The Book of Stillmeadow


  1. Thank you for posting such beautiful words and your lovely photos.

  2. Those little dogs are just adorable they know German or are they bilingual? The pictures are wonderful. I often look at my gorgeous Sugarbridge have real talent there. Love to you xoxo R

  3. Wonderful words to live by. Your flower arrangements are absolutely stunning too.

  4. Thanks so much for posting the gorgeous pictures!

  5. so very lovely! thank you for sharing this beautiful quote.

  6. A truly lovely post filled with wise thoughts, beautiful photos and all from a gorgeously beautiful and talented soon to be mum. Your son is going to be a very lucky boy! xxx

  7. Stumbled upon your blog by way of others connecting to you. Love all your photos...such a pretty blog! Your dogs are so cute! Congrats on your upcoming birth. Motherhood is a wonderful experience. I am adding your site to my blog list of other nests to visit. Have a happy day! xoxo Kim

  8. Ah I always cherish the tiny things; they often give the greatest joy. That is the wonderful thing about blogs - you can capture them to savour for later.
