
Sunday, August 21, 2011

There's A Change In The Air... the woods...

...and in the village.

These next few days are supposed to be hot...but the evenings are cool, and there there are yellow leaves in the canopy of branches overhead and lying on pillows of moss on the ground. The first timid mushrooms rise from the ground and festoon old rotting trees stumps. Grapes ripen in smoky clusters on the vine. Neighbors are stacking wood in neat rows and the black-eyed-susans are rampant in every garden. These are certainly the final days of summer. 


  1. Your images are immensely beautiful. Black-eyed Susans are of such comfort to me, they remind me of home in the States (whereas I miss birds like the Cardinal and the Bluebird and North Carolina Wrens).

    I know I will get caught for having said so before, at different times of the year, but if you ask me now, this is my favorite time of the year. I just wished these days would never end.

    I took a long bike tour in the early morning hours of Thursday along Lake Neusiedl. Magic! I noticed thousands upon thousands of starlings holding forth in the high treetops, ready to descend upon the ripe grapes, but no migratory birds yet.

  2. You are right, it is SUCH a lovely time of year. So much to look forward to, and so much to enjoy in the moment.

    I am very much like you...I tend to fall in love with whichever season we are in. :)

    Haven't seen any geese flying in V's here yet, either, though there do seem to be a lot more ducks on the creek that runs by our home.

  3. Your pics are lovely ... brown-eyed susans abound here in West Virginia as well. You're right ... summer is winding down, it's in the air ... after last winter's harshness, I'll be sad to see it go although, Fall has always been my fave. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I can see why you love the forest so much, it looks so peaceful and your photos do honor that! The days are getting shorter here with little signs of the new season, always excites me!

  5. These beautiful images all made me smile and want to wrap myself in a blanket here on the sofa! It is just the same here in coastal Suffolk in England and I took delight like a child the other day at my in-laws full acorn and walnut tree. Oh how I love Autumn.

  6. Hi Dawn,

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your blog, I especially like reading about your walks in the beautiful Austrian countryside. It has inspired me to get out and explore the nature around my home too!


  7. Oh Dawn how I love all these photos... you do such a beautiful job, capturing everything in see in wonderful photos to share with us!!!

    Love this time of the year (upcoming fall) as it is cooler and the colors are amazing!

    xoxo Gert

  8. Our summer in Oregon started not long ago. Looks like we will have an Indian summer! Love your photographs.
