
Thursday, August 25, 2011

When You're Happy

yellow leaves are scattered on the wooded path

who did this feather belong to?

these wild berries are a mystery to me; i hope to find out what they are, and revisit them in winter.

"People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy." -Anton Chekhov

My two dogs are the best companions for nature walks. So enthusiastic, so curious, and bursting with seemingly endless energy. I am so grateful that they are here to get me outdoors and moving every day!

I know I'm the odd man out in this matter, but summer has to be my least favorite season. If I didn't have dogs, I would probably just hide in the shade all day. I can't seem to make friends with heat. Today in the woods, the plants on the forest floor and even the leaves on the trees seemed weary in the heat. Autumn will be a great relief for man, beast, plant, and pregnant women.

I take after my father. When I was little we lived on the coast of northern California, and I remember my dad saying once that he didn't like the beach. I asked him why and he replied, "Too much sand." As funny as it sounds, I could relate. I also preferred wandering the tide pools when the ocean had sunk back into the distance at low tide, and walking along the shore collecting shells and sand dollars, to lying under the hot sun with my feet in the sand.

Ironically I married a man who absolutely worships the sun, and turns nearly black in summer. I turn what we jokingly call "dark white."


  1. That forest looks so beautiful with sunlight filtering through the leaves and creating lovely dappled shade.
    I too prefer the cooler seasons and seem to be one of the few people glad that the summer has been so fleeting here in London!
    My husband is the same - when I say "too hot!" he says "just right!"

  2. We live by the lake in Chicago, and if the sand could just stay on the beach, I think I'd be okay. But it's tracked in on little feet and furry paws and makes it into every corner of our home.

    There's something about the feel of sand on hardwood floors that makes me just nuts. I've thought about wrapping the kids' feet in packing tape when they get home so they can clean while they run around :-) Failing that, I just reach for the broom.

    Give me dappled shade, mossy rocks, and the sound of the wind in the trees any day!

  3. I'm with you!! Not a fan of the summer heat, and we've had it to the extreme this year, so ready for fall and normal weather! Keep cool!

  4. Dawn, I follow your blog, though I rarely comment. I'm with you, however, on your views of summer! We are expected to have temperatures today that will give us a heat index of 100 degrees! Too hot for me here in East Tennessee!
    Looking forward to news of your little one's arrival! Hang in there!

  5. Hi, I've been following your blog for quite some time now, I have to say, I love your pictures! If you don't mind me asking, what. Type of camera / lens do you use, and what or any photo enhancing programs? You seem to have a flair for picture taking, because I've yet to see any that in don't like. I'm also following your pregnancy with you, and can also relate with all of your aches at this stage. Soon enough, it will all be just a memory. Congrats on your soon to come bundle of joy, I can tell that he will be a very loved little boy.


  6. Your little pups are so sweet! I didnt realize you had a pair! Your white and rust one looks like my Henry (I think its called Blenheim or something like that?)
    Count me in as one who hates summer and hot too. And we're just coming to the end of a record breaking hot summer. Its been terrible. I've been longing for fall since June ;)
    Hope you're getting lots of good quiet time in and nesting done! This looks like such a lovely walk~

  7. I hope the heat lets up for you very soon Dawn. It's just the worst when you are pregnant.
    Lovely photos as always though! xox

  8. You are not alone with your thoughts on Summer Dawn ~ my least favourite season too! I am definitely an Autumnal loving gal :-)
    What lovely walks you take with your two sweet pups. I miss my morning/afternoon/evening walks with my Lab more than anything.
    Beautiful post, as always ~ I love stopping by ♥

  9. Hi Dawn, I've just discovered your lovely blog thanks to my Mom's recommendation. What an exciting time to tune into your story, shortly before your baby arrives! Thank you for sharing your pictures, stories and thoughts. Wishing you only the best for the weeks to come and a break from the heat, which I have heard is supposed to arrive come Sunday.

  10. Wunderschöne Stimmung im Wald!

    Judging from the leaves, it could be what they call "Hartriegelgewächs" here, the same family as the Northamerican Dogwood (grows wild all along the East Coast), or Cornus florida.

    I know of another Hartriegel in Lower Austria, the Dirndlstrauch. It has tiny yellow blossoms in spring (rows of yellow bushes dotting the landscape in the Traisen Valley in early spring, very pretty). The dirndl fruit looks just like the dogwood's. At the Stadtpark Food Fair there were a couple of producers who sold dirndl jam, chutney and Schnapps. All very good. ;-)

  11. Oh Dawn..first I love your new border!!! You are such a great photographer!!! I am the same as you are in reference to the heat. I use to love it and was a sunlover...but since I was diagnosed with MS the sun and the heat really tear me up! I spend most of the summer inside...sad...

    Blessings little lady!!
    xoxo Gert

  12. Dawn, I can't tell you how much I relate to this post. Summer is definitely my least favorite season (especially in Charlotte) and I am NOT a beach person. Glad to know I'm not the only one ~ always makes me feel like an oddball.... :-)

  13. Hi Kristel, welcome! I use an Olympus camera and Photoshop CS4. Thank you so much for the compliment, I hope you'll stop by again sometime!
