
Saturday, December 31, 2011

What A Beautiful Year!













Your 10 Favorite Posts of the Year, In Order of Number of Comments

My Favorite Posts of the Year

This Year's Recipes

Favorite Movies of the Year

Favorite TV Shows of the Year

Favorite Discoveries of the Year

Most Favorite Thing of All

What a year it has been! So transforming. Full of love and lessons, pain and joy...just so FULL. 

I am deeply grateful for the blessings which overflowed this year, and grateful, also, for the friendship, kind words, understanding, compassion, advice, and companionship I have received here from all of you.

THANK YOU. Thank you for another year of wonderful kinship. 

Here's to another year of all those good things that make us smile, learn, nod, contemplate, and grow.

Happy New Year!

Lots of love,



  1. What a beautiful year, indeed! wishing you a lovely 2012~~

  2. A beautiful summary in words and photographs.
    Thank you for your lovely posts and I look forward to many more!
    May the new year hold many blessings for you and your family.

  3. Aw what a lovely post :) All of the pictures were beautiful.
    Happy New Year!

    Amanda |

  4. This is the best post I've seen in sometime, I just loved it!!! Amazing how green it is in April there! You have many blessings, all well deserved!! Happy 2012!!

  5. such a lovely post! i wish you a happy new year! you and that beautiful family of yours.

  6. Happy New Year, Dawn! I loved this post, particularly the June image. It's so gorgeous. I also read "Last Child In The Woods" ~ good book. All the best to you in 2012!

  7. Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!

    Lots of Blessings


  8. Happy New Year lovely!!! Hope 2012 is an exciting and loving one! xxx

  9. Happy New Year to you, too, Dawn. My it be filled with joy.

  10. Happy new year! I cannot wait to see your pictures for 2012, and also, to see little Rafael grow.

  11. What a blessing you are and your writing and photo reading and seeing through your perspective.
    Happy happy year ahead for us as a family!
    Can't wait to hold my grandson again...

  12. Dear Dawn,
    Happy new year to you. I love your words and photos so much, they add so much joy to life.
    Thank you.

  13. Dear Dawn,
    Each and every photograph captivates such wonder and beauty.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  14. Dear Dawn, Happy New Year! May 2012 bring many wonderful things your way...2011 sure was good to you!
    Your blog is always a treat to visit, thank you so much for creating such a lovely and honest place. Your photos and stories mean so much! Lots of love! Johanna
