
Saturday, August 3, 2013


"The afternoon was a lazy afternoon, not hot-lazy when you don't want to move, but leisurely-lazy, when you did only what you wanted and took your time about it." -Hal Borland, Book Of Days

When August rolls around, the sun bakes the dirt path and the air vibrates with the metallic sound of crickets, and we seek shade and cold water to wade in. I start getting that feeling, that longing for fall, mixed with anticipation, which is one of the reasons I love this month. The trees seem weighed down with heat, and send the first little bright speckled leaves down to the ground. They float on the glistening surface of the river, and cluster between water-smoothed rocks along the way. These hot days of insect song and loud engines and bare feet, tired bees and worn moth wings, the stubbly harvested hay fields and children with ice cream dripping down their fists, are so enchanting that I sometimes feel sentimental about them before they end. 

The changing of seasons always gives me butterflies in my stomach. I am reminded of the passing of time, of my mortality, and am overcome with the longing to experience all the beautiful things there are to see and do in the world. I get a strange nervous feeling, the feeling that I am not doing enough, not living enough. I promise myself I will get out more with my camera. And that I will capture as much of the season as I can. 

Rafael fell ill yesterday and we're trapped inside on one of the hottest days of the year. All the windows are closed to keep the heat out. I do long for the shady woods; at this time of year I am on the look-out for the first mushrooms and asters. But right now my little boy needs me, and we will get through these days, and I will have the chance to get out with my camera soon enough.



  1. As always, your photos are captivating! And I so enjoy the Hal Borland reference. He is one of my favorite writers. I believe your writing is equally charming....inspiring your readers to soak up the seasons. Have you ever read the books that are a collaboration between Hal Borland and Les Line?
    Thanks again for sharing! Peace and Blessings~Lynne K

    1. Do you mean A Countryman's Woods? Yes, have it! I have almost all of Borland's books; I absolutely love his work. Did you know that he and his wide were friends with Gladys Taber, another one of my favorite authors?
      Thank you for reading, and for your kind words!

    2. First, let me apologize if I already sent this message...looking at my laptop it appears that a message I tried to post earlier didn't go...anyway, no...I didn't know that Hal Borland and Gladys Taber were friends. I am familiar with her through some articles I have read, but I haven't read any of her books. Is there one of her books that you would recommend that I read first?

  2. Love the look downthe dirt pathway! Makes you want to wander along it. Hope Rafael is well quickly.

    1. Don't you love roads that are flanked by large trees? Rafael's fever is going down. I'm sure he'll be healthy again soon, thank you!

  3. Lovely photos again, Dawn. Sending healthy wishes for Rafael! xo

  4. Just gorgeous photos. I too can sense fall on the horizon. Where did the summer go so quickly? It is like we blink and we miss it...

  5. Beautiful scenes - got to read your blog entry below too. Ah I do love your blog! So beautiful, gentle, with a sense of fragility and real human life...unique and unlike so many other blogs out there. xxx

  6. So nice, I can feel what you are describing, such a wordsmith!
    Let me know how it's going with Rafael's health per email if you have time, sending my Love and blessings to you two/three...five.
