
Sunday, July 31, 2011

All is Well

First I want to thank you all for your positive thoughts and prayers...they worked!

It was quite a day we had on Friday. We decided to cancel the birth course we had signed up for and to go to the hospital instead. Neither of us could have sat and concentrated with the worry we were feeling about a possible pre-term labor.

I packed a bag in case they kept me at the hospital, and wondered if I would really have to stay there, not seeing the dogs, away from home, away from my husband. That thought alone was torture.

We drove to the hospital, where I was hooked up to the CTG machine and had an ultrasound done. Those long moments when you are waiting to hear news, when you are waiting in the hall with strangers...I don't think I could ever warm up to hospitals. Although, I have to add, the doctors we had were extremely friendly.

In the end, everything came out very positive. Yes, Rafael is digging his head deep down into my pelvis, causing pain and some uncomfortable contractions, but the good news is that the midwife was wrong about my cervix being partially effaced. The doctor determined, per ultrasound, that my uterus is extremely tilted to the back, which resulted in the midwife believing that the cervix had prematurely shortened.

Amidst all the worry and relief, we got to see our son on the ultrasound screen, sucking his thumb as usual. He is doing so well, growing at the perfect pace, with long legs like his daddy. What an absolute joy it is to be reassured that he is happy and healthy! And hopefully staying inside for a while longer.

Even after hearing all the good news, I couldn't really calm down for a while. I was only able to release my fears and breath once we got back home, where the dogs were waiting with wagging tails, and everything looked different and simple because we were happy. We spent the evening giving each other spontaneous hugs, sighing with relief, eating big portions of pasta (we both hadn't been able to eat all day because of our nerves and were suddenly hit with huge appetites). We marveled again and again how amazing it is when you are given the relief of good news, how the simplest things like being at home and sharing a meal can feel like absolute heavenly luxury.

Thank you all again for your concern and your love! I really really appreciate you!!


  1. So glad to hear that all is well with the three of you. It sounds like you had a lovely evening back in your own home sweet home, with doggies, feasting on pasta and enjoying each others company and the relief that the good news brought you.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. oh dawn...i just went back and read the last had a scare...but am happy to see all is well... thank God for this blessing. you and baby are well. God is watching over you, my friend.....

    nothing better than being home...being with your sweet dogs...eating plates of pasta and feeling HAPPY.

    i'm so happy you are well.

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  3. I am so pleased to read that all is well. Count me with the number who has had such a great feeling all along about this pregnancy, this new life on the way - each time I read an update from you I just smile and say a prayer.

    Also: loved reading about the big plates of pasta! Yes!

  4. Dear Dawn,

    So very happy to hear...big hugs for you and Rafael.


  5. I was just thinking about you this morning, so happy to see this post! Hugs!!

  6. Hallo Dawn!

    Schön zu lesen, dass es Euch gut geht!


  7. relived to hear the good news. Take good care, rest, relax, eat good food and keep on staying positive. xox

  8. Saying a prayer for your little family. Hang in there!

  9. So glad you went and were checked by a doctor. And that everything is good. To see him sucking his thumb, happy and OK, had to be pure bliss!


  10. I'm so thankful to hear that you and your baby boy are both doing well. You have both been in my thoughts. :)

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