
Friday, July 29, 2011

I'm On Bed Rest

Hello my dear ones!

I've been feeling strange for the past few days: strong pelvic pressure, contractions, lower back pain, and just generally feeling 'weird.' But I didn't want to overreact.

However, after a particularly hard night of strong contractions, I decided I needed to get checked out. Something wasn't feeling right. My midwife is on vacation right now so I called her replacement and she came over right away.

It turns out my cervix is partially effaced and I am having pre-term labor symptoms. She checked the baby's heart beat and position; he is lying with his head deep down in my pelvis, in birth position, and his heart beat is fine.

She told me that we should try to keep him in at least another 2 weeks; at 35 weeks a baby can be born without any complications and even sent home pretty much right away. Hopefully he will stay in longer than that. We'll see.

She prescribed me magnesium to stop or at least lessen the contractions, and I've been put on bed rest (no more walking the doggies or going grocery shopping...luckily I have the help of my mother in law!).

Please keep my little one in your prayers. I can feel that he is alright, and I am positive that, even if things go differently than expected, we will all be OK.

I'll keep you posted.

Lots of love!


  1. Dearest are in my thoughts and heart. All will be well. Raffi is just so impatient to see you! Hold on, little boy xoxo

  2. Thinking of all three of you. I'm sorry your walks with the doggies and other daily things have been temporarily postponed, but I agree with you: I have SUCH a strong feeling that no matter what, everything is going to be okay. Better than okay, even.

  3. Thank you Rachel...xoxoxo....I think you're right. He's in a hurry. :)

  4. You're in my thoughts. I'm sure everything will be fine. Just rest.

  5. Love, hugs and prayers for the three of you. Raffi is wanting to get out into the real world to be with his loving family. Enjoy this time of rest before he arrives.


  6. All the best for you and Rafael!
    I will keep the three of you in my thoughts. Just take it slow, rest and stay positive, like you are right now!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thinking of you and Raffi and hoping that he will hold on just a little longer. Just like Rachel said, he is so excited to meet his mama and papa.
    I am sure the bed rest will work its magic and Raffi will stay settled for at least a few more weeks.
    Sending you all so much love and lots of cuddles

  9. Keeping you both close in prayer! Rest up!

  10. Rest, rest, rest, dear many friends with mandatory bed rest, some for the last three, I don't feel alarm...fluffy pillows, a cozy nest for, thoughts, and special prayers for you and the little fella..let yourself be pampered, total relaxation xoxo
    Laura Jenkins

  11. Oh my dear Dawn, do as they suggest & be comforted by the fact that you have so many who hold you in their prayers including me!

    xoxo Gert

  12. Dear Dawn,
    All will be fine---this is quite common- he's a mover and a shaker and he's smelling the soups and cookies you've been baking- he's ready to be born sooner so he can eat them all that much sooner!! Enjoy the time- catch up on daydreaming, magazines, letter writing, and journaling.....and keep us informed; I'll send prayers along taht he maintains for a couple more weeks at a minimum....
    Joann in CO

  13. Bed rest sounds much easier than it is. I know it will be frustrating to be still when you want to be up doing things, but once Raffi is here you'll be doing plenty, so try to enjoy this last little bit of time before he arrives. Sending you love and calm. All will be well. xoxo

  14. Stay put Raffi and let Mama help you grow a little bit more.
    I have a feeling everything is going to be just okay, but I think it is wise to be cautious and to rest as much as you can.
    I hope you have a good stack of books and maybe some painting or drawing supplies beside you. Take good care my friend! xoxo Love to you.

  15. Well, he is ready to make a running start at life! :) So wonderful that your mother-in-law is there to help. Bet she enjoys pampering you and the baby.

    Sending positive thoughts and special prayers,

  16. My dear Dawn,

    Oh gulp, I have been traveling and just sat down tonight to catch up a bit. First thing I did was check on YOU and Raffi...oh do let your mom-in-law help you as much as possible and STAY DOWN.

    Thinking of you and your sweet boy.



  17. Sending all good wishes and keeping my fingers crossed.
