
Sunday, March 25, 2012

5 Days A Week 8, and Six Month Growth Update

Sometimes I'll watch Rafael, doing his own thing, talking to himself, looking at his hands or out the window, and it will hit me: this little boy is is own person, and doesn't belong to me, even though it tends to feels that way. He has a life story stretched before him, all his own, with trials and tribulations, joys and lessons, adventures and so many, many things to see and experience. In those moments, looking at this being who is less of a quiet observer and more of an active individual with each passing day, I am overcome with the blessing of every moment that I am able to spend with him. There will come a time when I'm not the center of his universe anymore. He will be a grown man, with so many people and things in his life, and I will just be a small part of it, though I hope still an important and happy part. So, for now, I am deeply grateful for this time, being so close to him; being his clown, his comfort, his hero, his provider, his guide, his cheerleader, his biggest fan.

Ramon joined Rafael and me on a trip to Vienna for a bit of shopping last week. We took the train, and Raffi got so excited looking out of the train window at the world speeding by. He was giddy and rosy-cheeked, bouncing and screeching. Then, suddenly, and for the first time, he began playing peek-a-boo with me. He (a bit clumsily) dropped his head to my chest and brought it back up. "Kuck-kuck!" I said, which is the German version of 'peek-a-boo.' He grinned. And repeated it. And repeated it. And repeated it. Ramon and I were fascinated and also somewhat shocked....our baby was playing with us! He had actually payed attention and learned from all those times I hid my face and then popped it out crying 'Kuck-kuck!' Now, about once a day, he'll suddenly decide to play peek-a-boo with me, and my heart is bursting every time he buries his face into my chest and then swings it back up, waiting for me to say, 'Kuck-kuck!'


P.S. Look what I was up to today, two years's fun to go back in time! :)


  1. Sweet! I think 6 months to 12 months is such an amazing, fun time in a baby's life. He is learning and changing so much every day. Enjoy this time!

    On another note, I'm curious what language you speak in your home and what will Rafael's native language be? You are originally from California, correct? Where is your husband from? Sorry for all the questions! I am fascinated by languages and other cultures. I also think it's great when a child can grow up bilingual.

  2. Hi Claudia! My husband was born right here in this little Austrian town. We speak English with each other, and I mainly speak English with Rafael, but I do pick up songs and games from German friends and playgroups. Rafael will grow up bi-lingual.

    So nice of you to stop by!


  3. These are sweet fun moments you describe and you remind me of Kahlil Gibran's words about how we are the bow and our children are the arrows; they fly their own paths once shot from our bows.

  4. This makes me feel so joyous for the three of you. Enjoy watching Rafael grow into his own little person.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. Love reading about your Kuck Kuck sweet. It's great that he will be bilingual, I did not want my kids to go thru what I went thru in school, so I spoke only english to them, now I regret it. I do try to say a few things in spanish, but they sound so "american" when they repeat it ;) Amazing how you already understand about your little guys being his own person, for me, it has taken all these years, and now my son will be 11 next month, and the older he gets, the more I realize that one day, all those things you said will come true. Enjoy every minute you can.


  6. oh! he's beautiful!!! i remember when you were
    so longing for him. i'm so happy for you!

  7. Dawn, he just gets cuter every day---he is just a little bundle of love!!! I was so excited to hear about the train to Vienna- I've been ON train to Vienna and maybe (hopefully) I'll do that's fun to think of you and your family on that train, just beginning to play.... such a lovely thought!! Happy Monday! xo Joann in CO

  8. I keep thinking, what a good mama Dawn is! You are so wise. Raffi is gorgeous and seems so content and happy, happy, happy. You have created a wonderful place for him to grow.

  9. Rafael is looking adorable and I love the peek-a-boo game you had, it sounds so sweet and fun!
    I used to work for a lady at a baby boutiique and her baby boy went to a baby sign language class and they both really enjoyed it. It was a good social activity for them both and Helen was positive that it helped with Alfie's development.
    Love Morwenna xo

  10. What an adorable little man he is turning into Dawn! Love your little egg tree too . . . love is all over your house; lucky house. xoxo
