What a joy it was to visit my vegetable garden allotment after over a week of rain. Everything has blossomed and flourished. I harvested two heads of lettuce, and tomorrow will go back for some of those gorgeous purple kohlrabi that you see in the middle. My only qualm is that it all ripens at the same time, which means either getting creative with recipes or giving some of the produce away; I'll be doing a little of both.
In the top photo you can see that I have planted flowers interspersed with the vegetables, because I didn't want any bald patches of earth, and also, blossoms attract helpful winged things for pollination. In the last photo you see nasturtiums intertwining with a pumpkin plant; cool! That's exactly what I wanted!
The ground is really muddy and some of the pepper and tomato plants suffered from so much water, but I think only two plants of mine are looking beat. Other than that, I spied a few tiny beginnings of yellow zucchini, and also small golden pumpkin babies the size of walnuts. It's all very exciting.